ND evaluation & brag!

My dd had an ND evaluation a couple of days ago. I am very pleased that they were very impressed with how well she is creeping & crawling now. My big brag though, is about her reading. She actually didn’t complete the reading evaluation, but by the time she decided she was done she had already tested at a grade 2 level! She has 3 full years before she even starts grade one & is supposed to learn to read! :biggrin:

That is fantastic, congrats to you & DD. Well done Momma! You have helped her out so much, two thumbs way up!!!

That’s awesome! Another success and this is really what keep me going!
Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:

That’s amazing. I’m so happy happy for you and for her. She is a very lucky little girl to have such a dedicated mom.


Thanks ladies!

That’s very encouaging! Thanks for sharing! In which ND program do you participate?

You’re welcome :smiley: We use this organization:


Here is the most complete list of neurodevelopmentalists that I know of :


Very impressive! Well done!

Thanks for the links!

So excited about this!!! We just started working with a neurodevelopmentalist. It is alittle overwhelming since I have 2 kiddos with DS that are 2. We have alot of vision problems going on, But praying this changes things!! This is great to see such results!

That’s great to hear that you’re starting an ND program. For any parents that have been doing an ND program for a while, I’d be interested to hear how things are going. Thanks in advance!

adopted 4GOD - my dd also has vision issues which we have been working on through her neurodevelopmental (ND) program. At her last opthamology appointment last week her eyes had improved slightly in both nearsightedness & astigmatism. It was only a small change but the optho said that they usually don’t improve & usually just continue to get worse, especially the astigmatism so I am hopeful that they will continue to improve.

Alice_147 - I have done a home ND program from the time my dd was a baby for several years, then a program with an ND for the last couple. If you have any specific questions I’d be happy to answer or check our my blog - link is in my siggy.

KMUM, Emma was born with cataracts that didn’t get removed until we adopted her from Ukraine. I do vision therapy with both and it is difficult, we do pleoptics with colored lenses as well as Divergence and Pursuits. Emma has trouble catching the light and following it with one eye covered but she does good with both eyes open. Asher just doesn’t like to cooperate, but I pray that it works for them. It is encouraging to hear that your child is making progress, even if its alittle!!

Hopefully this question isn’t oversimplifying the topic… With a 12 month old, what would a ND look like?