Nappy Naps

My little girl is a little over three months now and naps three times a day, but usually for 30-45 minutes at a time. Occasionally she will have one nap that may last an hour and a half or so, but that’s not typical. Everything that I’ve read stated infants at this age should nap for at least an hour and half each time, but not in our case. She seems to operate just fine on that amount of sleep and doesn’t seem fussy or tired throughout the day. I was just curious if it was normal.

Mine was putting himself to sleep at that age and sleeping the same as you describe yours is sleeping. The sister at the clinic told me he should be sleeping for longer at a time and more hours in a 24 hour day, so I started doing all kinds of “bad” things to get him to sleep more, dancing him to sleep, taking him for walks, singing, rubbing his back, nursing him down etc. In the end he still slept a lot less than the book says he should, but till today, he depends on me singing to him and rubbing his back to fall asleep. (I don’t mind, it’s our special time, but I’ll have to change things when I have another little one.)

Sounds like you are doing great! I’d say, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.