Nap Time Help!

Since I moved my son into a bed, I have had no problems with his night-time routine and he usually stays in his room until sunrise (wow!) but unfortunately he won’t nap in the day. I am at my wits end - he is over-tired and miserable all day every day. He looks ready for a nap by 9am, and I try putting him down between 10 and 11. Then I give up for lunch and try again between 1 and 2. Yesterday he finally went down at 3.15pm but that threw his bedtime off and he wouldn’t go to bed until 9pm (instead of 7!). Most days this week he hasn’t slept at all and I am going mad from his constant whingeing and whining (because he’s tired and won’t admit it).

Does anyone have any magic tips to help make naptime easier? He needs to nap, but could easily win the gold medal for stubbornness - he still refuses to walk more than 20-30 feet a day and then only if I bribe him!

Do you have a naptime routine?

I’d start there. Plan a soothing ritual and stick to the same time everyday.

I agree, a loving consistent routine is key. Is he repeatedly getting out of bed or just rolling around and not sleeping?

If he’s getting out of bed, try the super nanny routine for a couple of weeks, always at the same time if possible. Also, room darkening shades/blind really work wonders. We get massive amounts of sunlight facing my kids’ windows and closing their blinds & curtains really helps. Along with a fan for white noise, a cool dark room really does the trick. Oh, and it might make me a lousy mom but sometimes I’ll let DD watch an educational show before nap but the rule is she must lay down (we have a video monitor). She’ll normally fall asleep in under 10 minutes once she settles, I save that trick for when we need it.

Thanks. I am fairly consistant with the time (within a half-hour) but the actual process maybe needs changing - I used to put him down in the cot and within 10-15 minutes he was asleep, now that he can get out of bed, he gets out instantly and refuses to lay down. This afternoon he was asleep in my arms, but as soon as his head hit the pillow he was wide awake and refusing to settle! I will try a longer routine with him, see if winding down more before a nap helps.

Thanks again - good advice is usually common sense that is easily forgotten in the stress of the day! Everyone needs a reminder :slight_smile:

In my view their should not be naptime routine for the new born baby…

He’s not newborn - he’s nearly two! I didn’t have a problem until I put him in a bed and he can get out again. He is old enough to not want to miss out (though housework isn’t really that exciting!) and would rather be tired and grumpy all day instead of sleep for an hour :stuck_out_tongue:

We had the same issue with our dd. We always closed the door thinking it would be best to keep noise out of her room. I have been reading a book regarding sleep problems and it suggested to leave the door open so they don’t keep wondering what is going on and they feel connected. We tried it and it worked! Everyday she says she doesn’t want to take her nap and I tell her I will leave the door open if she doesn’t fight it and stays in bed. Sometimes she goes to sleep right away, others she talks for a little bit and then falls to sleep. I had to close the door a couple of times that she got up with excuses. That way she knew I wasn’t joking. There may be a couple of times your baby may cry and it’s ok because you know he needs the rest. If tat doesn’t work the next step is to create “a big crib” in his room. You do that by putting a gate and leaving the door open. Some people may not agree with this. We weren’t sure about it, but after many sleepless nights and trying many different things, we are going to put a gate up and see how it goes. The open door technique has worked for us for naps but not for the night :frowning:

Hope this helps a little bit. :slight_smile:

I wanted to chime in, funny you mention this but DD also likes to sleep with the door slightly cracked. We think it makes her feel more secure/closer to us somehow. It has caused no real issue, I typically close it once she is asleep. She doesn’t get up to open it all the time, but when she does we don’t mind, she climbs right back in bed.


I just realized your oldest and my dd were born on the same day :smiley: Just a side note :laugh: