My two year old didn't "read" the words, should I move on.

I believe Doman says yes too this, but here it goes…

David 2 years and 4 months has been doing the Little Reader curriculum for 2 weeks. I love the curriculum by the way. He has seen the animals over 45 times. 3 times a day or more. Today I did a little testing. He only showed me that he could read “cow.” Which he has been reading for months. All of the other words he’d guess mouse ( I screem at the mouse and he likes it), although he can say most of the words. He was motivated.

Should I move on or keep with this set.

Any experience you’ve had would be interesting.

Thank you,

I would suggest you keep moving to the next set. Children sometimes don’t respond even if they are bored with something. And just because he does not show something, may not necessarily mean he does not know it. Why don’t you do LR just 2 times a day (as recommended by BK) just to keep the interest up. Something if shown too much will also bore the kid. Keep moving to the next set and he will definitely show you he knows a lot more than you think he does. :slight_smile:


Thanks, I needed to here that.

Just keep moving. I have a feeling he is just saying mouse to get a reaction.

Also I believe many of the words are revisited later in the curriculum. For example “kick” will be shown again as “kicking”, and assuming you are reading books together he will continue to see words he has seen previously.

I don’t test my son, however I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know must of the information that we go over. That’s okay with me that I’m not going to have a brainiac because he is still learning (like today I wrote the word “choo choo” on the bathtub wall with shaving cream and he said, “choo choo”).

Eventually they’ll get it. Being persistant is the key, however if you feel like you’re beating a dead horse it’s definitely good to move on.

I’d move on but also show the animals again, particularly if he likes it - my daughter saw the animals category at least 90 times and even now she still likes to see it occassionally. I did not however show her the animals 90 times over 30 days - she saw them that many times over a good few months - sometimes 3 times a day and sometimes only once a week - when she asked for it basically. I’d definitely show him more words though as he may pick up a different interest. He’s probably saying “mouse” because that is the one he wants to see.

Sometimes they get bored od the same words, what I do with Catalina(16 months old) is change the order of the slides, or add differents animal sounds to the slides, not only letter, they like to hear sounds too.
If your boy doesn’t answer your questions, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t know them.Probably he just doesn’t want to say the word.
Change the slides a little bit, add something new so that get back his attention.