my terrible sleeping habit...

:closedeyes: :closedeyes: :closedeyes: :closedeyes: hi!!! i got this terrible problem with my sleeping habit… i just cant go to sleep…thats my problem,my mind is so much awake,can you pls. give some advice to manage this difficult habit of mind.THANKS… :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

Have you tired taking a warm bath with some essential oils before bed; listening to music; reading; getting your hubby to massage your back; meditation, deep breathing exercises? All of these help clear your mind and should help.

I find adults often need a bedtime routine just like our babies do - because its calming. Try taking a long warm bath (I like reading in the bath as it takes my mind off the days stresses and into another world which is more calm) and then spend a few moments in bed just being calm. When I had insomnia I found counting helped as it stopped me from having thoughts running around in my mind.

But don’t try posting on here forever and then falling into bed :slight_smile:

That is so true! They say not to watch TV or use the computer before bed b/c it can keep you awake longer.

That is true, also drink alcohol before you sleep is bad for you.

Dear Althea,

How is your nutritional program? What are you eating? Below are a few links that may help you with insomnia:

I will post more as I find it.
Until then, try the suggestions of a routine prior to bed.

  • Ayesha

i agree with Tanikit

and yes Ayesha, diet is essential too, and i did check thru zonediet, thanks Ayesha, it did teach me alot…n I’l gt back to u soon

Also Althea, drink a warm glass of milk before sleepin and no caffeine intake from 4pm onwards…

Dear Athea
I too have this same problem, i work 9-5 and when i come home and busy with chores at home and when its time to bed, my mind just cant rest.
I too tried having a warm milk, having a warm bath or listening to music, but nothing helped me, i would roll on bed til 3-4 in the morning and get up at 7 to get ready to go to work.

I guess with me, i found that my mind was too active and busy thinking of too many things to do and complete and hence i just couldnt rest eventhough i was tired, hence what i did is just started to list the things i needed to do and priotized them and put them on my poster board. By doing this, i just found that brain was at ease knowing that i wouldnt forget to complete the task since I priotized and jotted my task.

In this way it just helped me to get things off my mind knowing incase i forget anything I have got jotted in somewhere.

I really dont know what would be your reason, but if there is something on your mind that you keep thinking or worrying about then i guess the best would be to deal with it first, if not at the moment, then put on a peace of paper with its date and priority.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: hehe… thank you every one for a great advice… im very glad… and happy some how that im not alone having this problem… thanks for the messages everyone.Nhockaday, thats a nice advice i would love that !!!my hubby is very good on massaging my back hehe… put for now his been working abroad and i need to wait till still a year… and still 6months to go after he returns home…Ayesha, ill check the website later… thanks… well, judy i think you catch me up on that yes ive been thinkin about a deadline…my mind is full of things to do. :clown: :clown: :clown: well, the has nothing to do with that hehe… it really helps me a lot fortunately… :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: ilove to meet friends!!!moms like me…

A journal is a wonderful way to get stuff off your mind right before going to sleep. You can even keep it close to your bed so if your mind is still racing you can turn on the light and jot down your thoughts. It doesn’t even have to be coherent stuff that you’ll read later. You can just scribble or write whatever comes to mind. It should help. :smiley:

Wow, this is actually great advice, even for non-mothers. I, for one, have been experiencing this same problem, and I think it might mostly be due to thinking about too many things before going to bed, and not being able to totally de-stress so mind just can’t shut down.

Thank you all for the excellent advice - watching your diet, doing things to calm you down, and writing can all help to soothe the problem. I’ve taken this advice to heart and now keep a habit of listing down the things I need to do the next day so I can put those thoughts aside and stop worrying about forgetting them. :slight_smile:

I also agree with Nikki, writing things down in a diary helps get the load off your shoulders, because i think it’s a way of compartmentalizing your thoughts and having a way to get back to them when you need to. :wink:

That’s a good thread!
Recently I find myself on-line till I drop to bed, hehe :slight_smile:
but regularly taking time to wind down,read smth inspiring or meditate really helps. Bath totally refreshes and wakes me up, I guess we are all different. :wink:

Anyway, here is a quote to meditate on tonight:

Submariners tell us that no storms ever reach very deep into the ocean. The water is perfectly calm a hundred feet down, no matter how high the breakers may rise on the surface. There is quiet in the depths that no surface storms can disturb. This is possible, too, in human lives; there can be serenity and peace within, undisturbed by the storms of the world. Jesus is our peace (Ephesians 2:14).
(Activated June 2004)

I read in a magazine to:

Point your eyes as though you were looking up (of course your eyes should be closed)
then could backwards from 100.

I am the same I cant get to sleep because I am on here. lol