my terrible experience my mother's menopause

this websites… mean much to me… i treat this as my close friends. even if we dont see each other yet we help each other by sharing each one of us our ideas… thoughts…

i had a terrible experience of menopause…i know that some day we would experience this too… its really a tough stage of our life, i just cant forget my moms bleeding… i saw it with my two eyes its really a lot.we admit her to the hospital… and we are waiting for the medical check up BIOPSY…her cervix has not been good said the OB,I just pray to GOD that Mama will be safe,Ilove my Mama very much :frowning:
i just cant sleep tonight… im really worried.Prayers is the answer!!!..

and the OB doctor said cervical vaccines are available, for prevention againts cervical cancer… thanks for listening…

Hope she’s well! Take care…

I’ll pray for her. Hold on to God and His promises.

hello friends… my moms been diagnose cervical cancer stage2 B, im so glad that shes been strong…i pray GOD will hear our prayers, ive taking care ang watching her diets

I will keep her in my prayers…