my son makes "O" sound whenever he sees a word or (alphabet letter)

whenever my son sees a word he use to say “O”. but i am pretty sure that my son understands some of the words. if i ask him to point ‘cat’ ‘hat’ he points correctly…and very often he use to say “hat”. but im worried that he use to make “O” sound all the time. whenever he says “O” pointing to a word i use to correct him. but he don’t seem to understand. can anyone pls help me.

You should never correct a child that young. He is probably trying to figure out how to talk, or maybe the “O” sound sounds very cool to him right now. By correcting him, you may be hurting his confidence because he might actually be trying. It could also encourage him to say the wrong thing. Have you told him “no” when he’s getting into something, just to see him go right back to it? Often, babies test us because they just want a reaction from us.

Instead, you can say “yes, that is the word cat! Good job!” You can even repeat the “O” sound and say some words that start with the same sound. So when he says “O”, you can say, “did say “O” olive? otter? on? off? orange?” etc, so he can see that “O” is the correct sound for many words.

My dd does this with animal sounds. I’m quite sure she knows the difference, & occasionally she makes different sounds, but usually she makes a cow sound for all animals. I have just continued to praise her efforts & make the correct sounds myself. Hopefully they will say the right sounds soon!

thanks a lot for the help. I never say “no” and then correct him, but I use to correct him ignoring the “O” sound he makes. But today instead of ignoring it I did what u asked to do and it really helps…it seems he never want to stop reading the words…he was really exiting and enjoying. I feel really happy and thank you very much.


my kid also have same kind of problem, every plural thing for him means two only, even it they are more than 2 or 20…

I have failed to correct or make him understand that…

Bansal, my son does the same thing. I ask him how many of these do you think there is and whether it is 2 or 8 he says “I don’t know 2?” But I think it is maybe because he just doesn’t want to count.

My son learned a letter sounds song that goes /A/ /A/ apple, /B/ /B/ ball

He loves the song, and often when we’ll talk about letters he’ll say /A/ /A/ W or whatever letter we’re talking about.

He’s 2, for goodness sake! He’s singing a letter song and he knows the letter names. The rest will turn out okay in the wash…