My son just turned One !

And I am now worrying about how to teach him to walk and talk !!
I incidentally hit upon this site and I hope to get some tips from here .

Hi and welcome to the boards. Happy Birthday to your son. There are some good posts about teaching your baby to be physically superb which deal with things like crawling and walking - since crawling is so important sometimes it is better to concentrate on getting them to crawl better and for longer before worrying about teaching them to walk. I know many children who walked only at 15 or even 18 months who are doing fine now.

As for talking, make sure you talk to your child as much as possible, show him things and name them and use adult speech as much as possible. I have found that teaching my daughter to read (she is now almost 13 months old) has helped her speech too and she can say at least 15 words either well or partly (she tends to say the first syllable and leave off the rest)

Thanks Tanikit, that’s a very good advise. I think parents should not be worry too much about the development milestone of a child, just enjoy the time spending with them! :smiley: