My son is not interested in sight words or phonics.

I am using the 2-week trial at the moment. My son is 11months old. He enjoys slides with pictures, sounds, cartoon characters, but doesn’t seem to be interested if there just words flashing on the screen. Is it temporary? Does it mean LR is not for him? I like that he is learning animals and parts of his body, etc, but my main reason for getting LR would be to help him learn to read. Should I use some other method while doing LR at the same time? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Another note, from 8 to 10 months he was very interested in books. We read to him a lot since he was very little. He has tons of books. He used to sit and flip through his books by himself for 30-40 minutes at a time. He almost never played with toys, he spent most of his time with books. About a month ago everything changed. He stopped being interested in books. He crawls away when I start reading. He only chews on books, and actually eats them…bites pieces of books off, etc. I bought him about 50 new books thinking he got bored with old ones, but that did not change a thing. Does anybody know what this change is about?

Thank you!

My son did not like Pattern Phonics or Word Flash. He preferred Multisensory. I think that Multisensory lessons are the most “powerful” and “effective” lessons in LR. Our kids are not just seeing but feeling and understanding the words as well.

Having said that, phonics and sight word lessons are also very important. If my son did not want to see them, I would skip those lessons and only showed him what he liked and enjoyed watching. I would print the phonics and sight words and flash them to him when he was in a good mood. I usually flashed those words when he was having his bath. Sometimes, I would show him his less favorite lessons first and used his favorite lessons as rewards. It worked out really well for us. :biggrin:

From what you wrote, I couldn’t really tell you if this is going to be temporary or permanent. Kids change all the time. They may like one thing today and don’t care about it tomorrow, or vice versa.

Thank you. I thought I may need to make flash cards. I will give it a try after I fix my printer. Thanks again.

My son also doesn’t like. He turns his head sometimes and try do do another thing or asks for cars in the screen. But most times he pass through this well. I guess he know he have to wait this step to get to what is more fun like multisensory and games.

Thanks, Mario. Do you still get a sense that your son is getting it (i.e. learning to read those words)?


Of course simply words can not compete with words/photos/questions/videos :slight_smile: But here is another way to look at it, which I realized was the case with my kids. Children at that age are VERY FAST LEARNERS. Sometimes it takes them just a glance to learn something new. Multisensory lessons take more concentration, after all there are a few things going on – words are shown, questions are asked, pictures and videos need to be processed.

When pattern phonics or word flash lessons are demonstrated there are words only and so it takes much faster for a child to process it, it is very much a right brain activity, so being true to right brain method you might want to consider speeding it up. I also noticed that both of my children learned from pattern phonics lesson, even if they did not seem to fully concentrate in it, and were simply glancing at the screen briefly.

When children become mobile and are walking/running around experimenting with their new gift of mobility, it is not uncommon for them to “loose interest” in stationary activities, but it is usually just for a time They are going through the stages. With my children, I simply divided lessons in smaller portions at those times and did it enthusiastically but very fast, finishing it before they wanted to be done, that way it worked as a special treat and a reward.

Also it really helps to not focus on the results, simply keeping it a joyous and fun activity.

Hope any of this helped, let us know how it is going for you!

PS. On another hand pattern phonics and word flash is the favorite part of LR for my 6 months old son. He really shows how much he loves it, which is differently from my oldest. With my second son, the secret was routine. Once it was a routine to watch the lessons, he just went with the flow.

First time My son also don’t like word split pattern , He like to multisensory animals and picture flash but this time I trying open to listen frequently and set the slide show to slower
it worked he understand the word and picture and now He like LR.
I would you never give up rooting. Patience in teaching with your child :smiley:

Thank you, Skylark and kasira.
I’m trying to figure out what is going on. Now, after a few days he is not very interested in multisensory either. He would watch it but his face does not show that much excitement. Before he would be very excited to see a video with a dog, for example. Now he does not show much interest when he sees it. I’m wondering if he gets bored. I am trying to engage him and communicate with him while doing the multisensory part but now I’m thinking maybe I should just quickly click through it? I have also been doing both sessions the same day. Maybe he needs only one?
Also, he is a very active boy and it’s hard for him to sit on my lap through the whole session. I’m splitting it up now but that does not solve the luck of excitement/interest issue.
I guess, I should try different things and see what works. But reading other parents’ experiences really helps to see what things may work for us. Thank you very much to everybody.