my son is not chewing

my son is 2 yrs 8 months. as i am a working mother i have left him under my parents care since his birth. for some reasone i had to take leave from office and stayed at home. now i realized he is very badly diciplined. one of the most difficult thing is he dosent chew his food. his meals need to be grinded and made in to a paste. it’s not that he dosnt chew. he do eat biscuits, chips and stuff. but i want him to eat like a regular child. how do i do this

I have the same problem with my son. He loves food and I think he gets so excited that he just chews a couple of times and then swallows in anticipation of more. Children do not chew with a grinding motion until they are about 4 years old. So until then, you should make sure you give them food that is mashed or cut into small pieces.
Also make sure that you don’t give things like nuts, whole grapes, cherry tomatoes, carrots, seeds, whole or large sections of hot dogs, meat sticks, hard candies or jelly beans, or chunks of peanut butter. These are all choking hazards, and should never be given to children under the age of 4.

I cut everything into very small pieces, and I only give my son one or two pieces at a time. This seems to help. Also try to tell him to chew and demonstrate chewing your own food.

try offer something you think he will like next to the paste and gradually move on to more and more “normal” bites vs.paste.
Feed him when he is hungry and offer bites first while you are “grinding the rest”. Sometimes I serve my kids their unfavourite food first while I am"getting" the rest. They’ll sit and munch what is set before them. Try making it look appetizing :slight_smile: It might take time since it’s a habit.