My son’s godmother got him the monki see monki do dvd’s for christmas. Let me tell you… its been two weeks and my son is 13 months old and he became a clapping, dancing maniac. He was clapping before but now he claps on command.
I realized yesterday when the word “ARMS” came up on the screen he put his arms up as the lady was saying arms. I was impressed.
Ever since he started watching the DVDs there is such a change in him almost like he is more stimulated.
THANKS so much!!!


Hi Carcarte! I love the Monki See Monki Doo materials too! My daughter loves them. She learned all of her colors for the second video and most of her shapes so far! She dances when I put the videos on for her, and even brings me the DVD to put on for her during the day. I own all of the DVD’s and even though we don’t always watch a video every day, we are getting amazing results! Congratulations on your baby!!

That’s great. I’m sure Krista will be happy to hear your progress.