my son finally started reading

I am so happy that my son started reading full sentences :biggrin: i started teaching him to read whwn he was about 1.5 yrs. very soon he started reading words… :wink: but never read couplets. I only show him the catagaries in LR which interests him like animals, transpotation,actions, nature etc…He do not do it every day. we read lots of books every day. some days he dont want me to cook or clean he want me to read to him. lol …also he love starfall.
now he is 3yrs, he doesn’t read books cover to cover by himself. he read sentances, which i write and he would draw a picture for me. :smiley: some times i help him to draw.
A big thanks to brillkids team and all the members here. :slight_smile:

I imagine you must be the happiest mommy on earth right now. Congratulations! What a victory. :slight_smile:

That must make you happy and proud! Its great he is reading sentences - play around with ideas now to get him to read in different contextx that interest him - sound like you are already doing that though.

Congrats to you and your little one.

Yay! Good for you guys!

thaks krista G tankit and nikki :slight_smile:
He surprised me by reading the words like, to, the,has… etc

Congratulations, zaku!

I can imagine your feelings :slight_smile:
Hope this day will come for us too :biggrin:

So happy for you zaku! Great job! :slight_smile:

Great job! I really am happy for you. :smiley:

thank you every one :slight_smile: WE have done this job with the help and guidence of you guys :smiley: