My son doesn't look at the words when reading books!


We love our Brillkids books - in fact, my Son picks his own books off our bookshelf and they are about the only books he pulls down for us to read. However, I’ve noticed recently (he is 15 months) he gets really upset if I try to use the flap function, and only wants to look at the picture page of the book. Help!? Do you guys have any thoughts or suggestions??


Don’t do it. :smiley: This is a great opportunity to get those creative juices flowing and come up with fun ways to expose him to words. I’ve seen so many posted throughout this forum. Some recent ones that come to mind: place sticky notes with food words on the fridge and allow him to point to them for you to pull that item out of the fridge. As he plays with his favorite toys, have word cards next to you (car, truck, bear, ball, train, etc) and you can just flash one as you mention it in normal conversation (“oh, look at that fun [flash and say item name at normal speed with finger underneath]”). have a stack of animal word cards and as he points to one, you say what it is, make those animal noises/gestures, and see if he cares to imitate. an easy source is to print the cards from the bk files with pictures already on the reverse. as i said, there are sooooo many ways to introduce words into the natural play environment. think about that first … playing … or just being (as an example - flash bath words like water, wet, bath, parts of the body, toothbrush, soap and so on, just for a few seconds during bath time) and try to follow his lead, this will motivate him and you can increase word exposure as his interest increases from feeling more like an active participant in the process. hth!