My Son Can Read Phonetically! Thanks BrillKids!

My son has started reading phonetically :smiley:
He is now saying words he has never said before. Sounding out words that he has not been exposed to during our lessons. The first time it happened I had to ask him “who told you how to say that word?” since it was from the cover of a book he has never had read to him. He told me “book”.

For the past couple weeks he has been running around saying phonixx funnne while sounding out different sounds he has been learning through the preschool prep phonics dvds. Since he started speaking he has always emphasized the different sounds in the words and actually raises his voice on certain parts of the words.

Never did I ever expect to see my son read phonetically before the age of 2 and I owe alot to BrillKids for providing such an effective, comprehensive and baby friendly program. And of course for creating the forum here where I have learned so many things from so many people.

WOW!!! I am so thrilled for you guys! Great job baby and great job mama!! :biggrin:

ETA: I just looked at when you registered…Date Registered: February 26, 2011, 08:04:19 PM. It took him less than a year to learn to read phonetically before he even turned two. How cool is that?!

Congratulations! Thank you for sharing!

AMAZING!! Congrats! Always great to hear success stories! Keep up the good work!

Congratulations! Smart!

Thank You for your replies!!!
I told my parents and they are trying to come up with other explanations :tongue:
I could not have done this without BrillKids and all the post from everyone with tips and encouragement.

TeachingMyToddlers Thank You so much for reminding me of the date my husband and I registered. February 26 is coming up and I think I will throw my son a BrillKids Celebration :biggrin:

Great job!! I am so happy for you guys!
It’s amazing feeling, eh? I still remembered the first time I heard my son read.

Keep up the good work!
Plus, I agree that lots of us here owe Brillkids for creating fantastic tools!

I love this! :laugh:



My DD read her first book this week, so I know how amazing it feels to see your child success, to be a person who taught him to read!
I can not imagine my life without BrillKids, it’s programs and this amazing forum!

I am sure Mela Bala there will be much more of this magic moments to come!

Thank you so much for sharing! I can’t wait until the day when the thought of waiting until the 5/6 age norm to teach a child to read is synonymous with the earth being flat or the sun revolving around our planet. So exciting to read of others’ successes and realize just how normal early learning is. Great job!

… Out of curiosity, what are you telling nay Sayers looking for other explanations?