My Son 2.8 Yrs Old Now Playing Piano and Identifying Piano Key Sounds

Hi Parents,

We are very much happy and proud to share that our son Little Master Shanthosh Sivam able to play nursery songs in the age of 2.8 years old with the help of SoftMozart.

We have started teaching piano 2 and ½ months before only. Now he is able to Play and Identify 23 keys individual sounds in piano. We couldn’t expect that we can achieve this in the very short period of time (within 2 Months of working days). We are very much inspired and admired on identifying the key sounds.

We converted and memorized the “DO Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti DO” Solfege to our “Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sa” (Indian Solfege).

Here I am not able to upload few videos due to size limit. You can see few videos in SM site forum link…

I don’t have any musical knowledge and still I’m not able to identify even single key in piano. But he did it. This is very happiest event in our family. It is giving inspiration and confident to us for do everything for him.

Special thanks to Hellene and SM team and all Parents. We are not able to
achieve this without all your support.


Congratulations! What a remarkable accomplishment! I have been investigating the Soft Mozart program, and I am amazed that it can work for such a young child. My 2.5 year old daughter just started Little Musician, and is doing very well identifying the solfege already. I think we might have to make the investment in Soft Mozart next. Thanks for sharing!

Hi Parents,

Thanks for view this posting. I am very proud to share that my son is very naughty and not cooperate for record the video. Even though we managed to record few videos and try to show it to everyone in the Brillkids and SM forum.

One day he was playing and jumping on the cot and he didn’t see piano just heard the sound. Because the cot was little away from the piano. Unexpectedly I pressed one piano key and asked which key Amma (Mother) pressed. He gave very shock that he identified the key correctly. Immediately I start playing the finding game with random keys. That was amazing and unbelievable moment in my life. He can identify all the keys correctly which I pressed. Now he is able to listen the sound and identify the key exactly. One more shocking is that today he identified 6 more piano keys additionally. It is really surprising that he can understand music sound very quickly. We are proud to say that so far he can identify 29 keys in grand piano.

One beautiful thing is really I don’t have any musical background and I am not able to identify even single key in piano so far. We are really thankful to God for giving gorgeous baby like Little Master Shanthosh Sivam to us.

We would like to share one more amazing character or behavior which we observed from him. Before 3 months only we have started to teach Piano. Now music gave lot of behavioral changes to my son. He is doing each and everything with music mind. He loves to jump on the bed. He sings solfege of nursery rhymes while jumping. He likes to give Kisses frequently and trying to produce music of “Mary had a little lamp” and asking that “which song papa did” and laughing. I have checked that kisses that exactly matching with the sound. He is doing the same while clapping also. He is producing the same sound while playing with toys and tumbler. If he got stick immediately playing the songs sounds on the cot and floor. Mostly he will hum the song “London Bridge Falling Down”. It is really amazing to us. He knows to write also. If he gets pencil start tries to write solfege of any songs he wishes to do. One day we went to hotel he imagined that dining table as piano and start playing and fingering the rhymes on the table. Now a day’s his babbles also representing the music solfege. So far he can play 20 nursery songs. It is really amazing for us. Music has changed in his character and life dramatically. We really not expect this in very short period (within 3 months) of time.

Really thanks to God and SM team. Special thanks to Brillkids forum and friends. You gave real confident to achieve this.

We need all your blessings to my son Little Master Shanthosh Sivam.

I am not able to upload video files in this site due to file size restriction. I am trying to find the option for upload the videos. We will post the link very soon.


Congratulations. That is wonderful! The most wonderful thing is how much he is enjoying it. I hope my son will have the same opportunity one day.

A truly lucky boy to have such a wonderful family. The opportunity that is making him so happy came from your dedication Amma. In the future you will start to learn the note sounds too. My ear is improving at a surprising rate.
Having spend soo many lessons learning music as a teenager and getting nowhere, I am as surprised as you as to just how much quicker and easier these little kids pick up on it. They internalize the sounds and notes sooo quickly. I could just imagine how amazing a class full of musically literate children would be to teach. Their developed ears would make phonemic awareness easy for them. Their games would be so rich. They could appreciate silence lol Even my casual teaching gets results using Soft Mozart. Like you I highly recommend it. Worth every cent and more. An all ages resource you can use over and over for years and years.

Hi Parents,

I am very happy to share the videos which I have uploaded in Youtube.

Baa Baa Black Sheep -
Humpty Dumpty -
Piano Key Sound Identification -
Mary Had a Little Lamp -
Ten Little Indian -
Malberry Bush -


He is adorable! You must be so proud! I can’t wait to see what he’ll be playing in a year! Keep us posted. :slight_smile:

Thanks to Eliana, Mybabyian and Manda for viewing our post. We will keep update the progress of my son very soon. We are also very much excited to see how he is going to play further. Your comments are giving boost up to take towards to the next level.

Thanks a lot,

This is really amazing, congratulations!
I am thinking about buying Soft Mozart (it is a bit expensive so I am still thinking :slight_smile: ) and would like to ask you about how many times per week are you practicing and how long per one time?

Thanks Jane…

There is no time or schedule we followed for teach the piano. Because he is very small and naughty boy. So depends on his interest we will teach piano. If he is not showing interest I will start play the piano using the SM. During that time he can hear that sound and understand quickly. This is our success to create more interest to play piano in each and every moment of his life. Now we are giving more attention to maintain the same level further.

We practice 3-4 times a week, short lessons. We do some music stuff outside of lessons, note alphabet, order, play soft Mozart games…basically music awareness. On a good week we can practice daily and I can see the difference these weeks! lol in just a few months my son is playing with both hands. Playing cords. Playing hot cross buns and Jingle bells from memory. He can work both hands independently of each other. The children who practice for 1/2 hour a day get INCREDIBLE results.
I am learning too. It is quite addictive once you get started! :yes: I really enjoy practicing with soft Mozart ( never enjoyed practicing my flute as a kid! ) I can play a number of pieces from memory I can play nursery rhymes along with the kids while they sing. The level of ability that you can reach with soft mozart is much higher than what you will achieve from paying for lessons, in the same given time. my older girls do lessons at school too. Both of them can play much more complex pieces with soft Mozart than they get set during their private lessons! It is perfect for kids. My kids are all getting to perfect pitch. They know about half of the notes by ear now. It’s been a while since I tested them…or me. :smiley: not bad for 4 months effort.
Soft Mozart can be expensive but there are ways to make it cheaper. The soft Mozart forum has discounts and video footage of kids playing. If you buy an yearly access and decide to upgrade it to perpetual liscence the amount you paid for your yearly access comes off the price you pay for the upgrade. Hellene is very creative in ensuring everyone who wants it can afford it somehow! Just ask.

Hi Jothi ,
I am amazed about your son’s achievement. I really want to know more the way you teach your son. Besides buying the Perpetual license (games + gentle piano), which more additional materials you purchase (music note flashcard 1,2,3 and music alphabet song chain)?
How can you make your son interested in music notes?
My son is smaller age than yours and he is very naughty boy. I wish I can teach him as the same as you have done.

hey jyothi,

so gud to hear abt ur son…n u u taught him in sa re ga ma…thats amazing…i stay in india mumbai…from where did u buy the program?

Hi Jothi,

Your son is very adorable! I am also from india(Tamil Nadu) and also planning to buy the Softmozart software.

But confused on how to convert it to our solfege. Can you please let us know the detailed steps on how did you convert the softmozart software to our “Sa Re Ga” Solfege, so that i can follow to teach my son?.

Awaiting for your reply.
Thank you,

  • Tanvi.

Thanks Everyone…

I am very happy to convey my son Shanthosh is now playing lot of new songs well in SoftMozart. One more important thing is he has memorized each and every individual sounds in Piano. Yes he has memorized whole Piano (88 keys). The very first and last key of the piano sound is very difficult to differentiate and memorize. But he did it. His music sense is growing amazingly.

Now we are waiting to buy Little Musician from our local distributors in India. We are very happy to see few posts from India.

Tanvi…Initially we confused lot about Do Re Mi So and Sa Re Gha Ma…but that is very simple when we use Do Re Mi So picture blindly as Sa Re Gha Ma. Babies are like clay. You can insert anything in their mind very easily. Do you know one thing now Shanthosh understand Do Re Mi pictures and letters and C D E F G and also our Sa Re Gha Ma. I though him only one solfege and he related everything along with that. We can’t stop their understanding. Don’t get panic just start like that. It will help you to understand and teach music to your child in better way.
Pearl_river…Sorry for the delay reply. We bought only SoftMozart along with stickers. We use to stick the songs notes in walls to get familiarize notes in such a way to Do Re Mi , C D E F or Sa Re Gha Ma. We use to sing the song music notes where ever possible. Please try this for better result.

Vanjain…We bought SoftMozart program from On Line only. There are no local distributors in India.

All the best to everyone…


Thanks a lot for your reply Jothi. Very happy to hear your sons progress.

So i have continue telling picture of Do(door) as Sa and so on right? will try…

It would be really helpful if you please share the basic nursery song note cards in “Sa Re Gha” here, so i can practice with him first(Even in Tamil)?

Thank you,

  • Tanvi.

Hi Jothi,

its really amazing that your kid can go with the Soft Mozart so well. I am without knowledge of chords or piano but i hope to do the same as what you have done … btw… did you engage someone to coach your son on the piano besides letting him go thru the soft mozart program? Do we need a coach besides the program? Are you getting the little musician as well? Is soft mozart good enough ?

I am pondering which to go for… Little Musician or soft mozart? Soft Mozart is quite pricey :frowning: