my secound one

i am 7 weeks pragnant.this is my secound child. I just wanted to let you all know this.
any advise?? :biggrin:

Hi Zaku

Congratulations! Being pregnant is such an exciting time so enjoy. I found that the time just flew with my second pregnancy because I was still so busy with my first.

There’s really not a lot of advice to give you, you’ve done it before after all. Is there anything specific you are concerned about?

Hey Zaku, I’m expecting my second baby too but am about 28 weeks pregnant. How old is your first child? Mine is 3.

Congratulation Zaku and Rosemama!!

I too found out I m pregnant but I m only about 3 weeks. We are super excited!!

My first child just turned one so they are going to pretty close in age.
I would also like to get some advices from the board thanks@!

Congrats all you Mommies to be!!

Thanks every one

my son is also 3yrs

I am also prego with my second. My lil boy is will be one month shy of 2 yrs old when our lil girl gets her. (sept 10) Is any one having any problems with clinging toddlers while prego?

lol I’m also expecting my second. I’m only about 5 weeks and my son is 10 months so they will be really close in age.

So nice to be able to share this with others in the same boat.

Congratulations to all of you! So many little bubs to look forward to.

Congratulation!!You are being blessed for second time. cheers…advice?? I will say take your viroments and drink lots of water.

Thanks every one.Is milk very important during pragnant??? I really hate it >:(

Hi Zaku

Milk isn’t essential when you’re pregnant. You can get calcium from other sources like cheese, sardines, green leafy veges etc I don’t think you should eat anything you dislike.

How is everyone going with their 2nd pregnancies? I’m enjoying mine at the moment since I am in that nice in between stage where morning sickness has gone, I look pregnant and not just fat and I’m not huge yet.

Congratulations to all the moms expecting (and dads of course).
I am so surprise with so many pregnants at this time that I am entering a POLL to see how many at certain stage of pregnancy are you.
Hope to get some VOTES.

Lots of babes due to arrive. I am also pregnant with my second and am 8 weeks along - morning sickness has hit harder this time than the last and it is more difficult to control sugar levels (I’m a type 1 diabetic) than it was last time with a toddler to care for too. Will be very glad when the first trimester is over. Did see babes at a 7 week u/s and all was fine so very happy.

Are any of you doing anything different second time around? My DD will be 3 in September and 3.5 by the time baby arrives.

Hi munkee23

I will be 18 weeks pregnant tomorrow and my little girl turned two in April - and YES, she is VERY clingy :yes: !! Especially when we’re out and about or with people she doesn’t know very well!! I don’t know what I’m going to do when my baby boy is here (due Christmas day).
Everyone says that it will help as soon as I put her in Daycare, but that will have to wait until we move - I don’t want to put her through all that stress just to move her to a new Daycare after a few months.

I also am pregnant with my second and my 1st is only 11 months so they will be close in age.

Stellajo why have people said that day care will help with clingyness? Just curious because it was my understanding that it made it worse because the older child will feel abandoned and replaced by the baby and be even more upset and clingy when they are home.

Taniket the main things I;m doing this time around is not doing yoga, pregnancy aquarobics and just generally not having that time to spend on myself lol Other than that it’s much the same with staying away from listeria foods, gentle walking and needing to have afternoon naps on the weekends when my husband is home. Last time I was working so it’s not as if I could have naps during the week then either so it’s not a huge difference.

I am also pregnant and my first is only 10 months. I am a little apprehensive about the “attention from mommy” problems that a new baby can bring with him/her.

My mom had 6 kids though and she says to make sure to give your first lots of attention while the new baby is still sleeping most of the day. That way if he feels a bit pushed off to the side he/she knows it’s not the baby’s fault. The clingy stage will pass as the child comes to realize baby needs mommy more than they do sometimes.

Although, despite all of her reassurances, I am still anxious about it.