My new blog!

Hi everyone I have just started my new blog and I have never blogged before so I would love your opinion and comments as fellow early learners converts.

here is the link


Well done, I’ll bookmark it.
Can’t wait to see what you’re doing with your daughter.

Thanks Hypatia,

So much to write about I almost don’t know where to start. Thanks for following I would love any opinions and help any one on this fab forum is willing to offer.


Good job-got to get those Aussie blogs happening! (Oi Oi Oi) :smiley:

Hi Kimba15
Congrats on starting a blog!! I look forward to reading future entries (when you have time to blog)!

Hi Everyone,

My husband has also decided to start a blog Its from a dad’s perspective. Have a read my hubby would love any opinions.


Wow - I am still amazed you have time to blog, look after a new born and teach DD1. I am impressed that Hubby is writing a blog too as it seems most on childhood learning etc are by mums!

I have enjoyed reading both blogs and look forward to reading future entries!!

Good stuff - from both of you.