My Little Ferrari Boy

Hi I’ve already been on these forums for a while, but being a proud mummy I wanted to introduce my son, (who is almost 6 weeks old). He decided to come early (He was 36 wks 5days), but he was already full term weight and size. Being about 1/3 Italian, friends of ours affectionatly nicknamed him Ferrari Baby, because not only was he early, the delivery was also speedy. So as I start on my EL journey, I want to have a cyber name for bub, for when I actually start blogging and posting all the things we do. So in the theme of his nickname, I finally decided to give him the cybername of Enzo (After Enzo Ferrari). Still trying to think of a blog name in that theme of things especially as EL kids race through the basics. I’m so glad to finally begin teaching.

Congratulations. How fitting! Such a great name for accelerated early learning.

Congrats. I love the name too!

I have also been trying to think of a name for my two…haven’t come up with anything as good yet

Congratulations! :smiley: