My little boy only wants to watch Leap Frog's Letter Factory!

I started showing my 19 month old Leap Frog’s LF just a little over a week ago, he absolutely loves it, :yes: which is a good thing, but the only problem is that he wants to watch it at least 5/6 times a day, which is a little too much TV watching for my liking as the dvd is a 35 minutes long. He also refuses to watch TW and LP, everytime I put those dvd’s on he would put up a fight, insist on Leap Frog and if I don’t switch it over he would run up to the tv to turn the power off and demand for Leap Frog!

I am now a slave to his demands, I don’t how to get him to watch TW and LP, and less off Leap Frog. Any advice would be great.

My daughter is 17 months and we started Letter Factory about a month ago. She reacted the same way the first week. I think the first day she watched it 4 times in a row. I was little concerned too but I didn’t think it was doing any harm so I just let her. After about a week her “obsession” was mostly over but she still asks for it and watches it at least once a day.

I won’t worry about it too much. He’ll probably get over it once he learns all the letter sounds. Which will be pretty soon if he keeps it up lol

Maybe get him the other Leap Frog videos like the math ones. That way he still gets his favorite character and is learning something new.

I would set limits. At some point, give him the choice between two OTHER DVD’s and if he doesn’t want it, no show.

It’s not about the DVD, it’s about giving in to the demands. Set the limits while he’s young so he learns his boundaries. You are the boss.

My kids did the same thing for a few weeks, but it was in the car so they could only watch it once or maybe twice a day. After about a month, they started asking for other videos. In the long run, it was great because both of my kids knew all of their letters and letter sounds after a few weeks. Prior to this, my son had shown no interest in all in learning. Now, he has pride and has gained confidence. We are breezing through the HOP Pre-K lessons and I am wondering whether I should have skipped to K.

Thanks everyone to your replies, it gives me hope know that their obsession does not last long and hopefully this is the case with my son. In the meantime I’ll probably take Waterdreamer’s advise and show him other Leap Frog dvd’s, but for some reason I always thought that they had to learn all their alphabet’s before moving onto Word Factory! :confused:

I agree with LilyandOwensMom that limits should be set at an early age, so I’ll also try to impose that on him… hope this works in my favour. :slight_smile:

Hi rugat,

Since he likes Leapfrog so much, why not try to get Leapfrog activities book and you can let him have some coloring or etc activities which interested him. :slight_smile: Try to use Leapfrog character to attract him for other activities. Hope this will help. :blush:


My son is on a LeapFrog kick too! He watched Letter Factory for about two weeks now he’s onto Math Circus. He doesn’t watch them all day or anything he mostly just watches them in the car. I must say though that I love these videos. He’s can say all of the letter sounds now and he will count and says “I’m just a big nothin” with such an attitude, it’s hilarious! It’s what the zero says in the Math video.

I’m sure he’ll get over his obsession in time though just like anything else.

Hi Agnesdecham,
Lately he hasn’t been too interested in crayons or drawing. If he’s not watching Leap Frog, it’s his lego’s or his 2/3 inch cars, trucks or Thomas trains (it’s a good thing I haven’t shown him those dvd’s!), he’ll just push them all around the house, on the backs of sofa’s, tv, coffee table, trash can, over my laptop while I’m working on it, you name it, just about anything that has a small surface… I guess this is also another of his latest obsessions.

I agree they are great videos, my son has learned a lot from them. Since he’s already mastered most of his sounds, I am hoping to start him on Word Factory this weekend. What’s the Math Circus one like? I bought the 3 pack package which doesn’t include Math Circus, also I’m doing Doman math with my son so didn’t want Math Circus to conflict with it.

What I will do is put away the letter factory dvd, cut off tv for few days, ehenever he asks for tv, offer him something to do like you playing with him, this always work they love playing with mommy or daddy, after few days offer him another show. Hope this helps

Along the Leap Frog other activites line: We have a game chest by Lean Frog that has number cards (for games), spanish/english matching game, color/number/dot domino cards, etc. This is the one we have (we’ve had it for a few years now). I believe they have several games out now you can purchase individually.

do you have any updates on this issue? He kept asking for the same videos?

What a funny thread, because my boy is attached to this particular video too.
He asks for Tad and asks about Professor Quiqley.

We moved about 6 weeks ago and he didn’t adjust so great to his new surroundings, so LF really soothed him because it was familiar.
Before we moved he had watched it only a handful of times when he was about 14 months and then knew all his letters after that!

He hasn’t tired of it yet - he’s obsessed with this one and only DVD.

We’ll try Math Circus and see if he likes that and if the pace is slow enough.

My experience with Word Factory is that it is much too fast paced!
It is like a rock video compared to Letter Factory’s easy going pace. We don’t watch it…this is really my main issue with TV watching…the pace is too frenetic…if the video is paced well, or better yet paced at the speed of real life (like images of animals at the zoo), then it’s OK.

Hi I have the entire Leap frog DVD learning set. “Letter factory”, “Word Factory”, “COde WORD Caper”. Learn to Read" and “Math Circus”. Anyone interested to get a second hand dvd?
pls p.m. me