My Little Boy is WALKING!

I just had to stop by and share - exactly two weeks shy of his second birthday my little man finally got the confidence to let go and take his FIRST STEPS!!!

The teeny-tiny marshmallow bribery worked wonders and in no time he was taking 12 steps across the room.

He has been very slow in all his gross motor milestones, and though his physiotherapist assured me that he was developing normally and just taking his time, I still had this niggling feeling that he should be walking before two, and that somehow he would ‘fail’.

Now I can relax and tell myself that I was being stupid :smiley:

Congratulations! That must be so rewarding for you. I am sure you did a lot of effort even before the “marshmallow trick”.

Yay! Well done, so happy for you x

Congratulations! nice story for new mom who always worry about everything :slight_smile:

Wonderful, I can feel just how excited you are! Food is always an excellent motivator for boys, apparently that’s the way to their hearts lol keep encouraging him to practice and I know three boys who didn’t bother to walk until just before two and all three of them are perfectly normal little school boys now! We think their high chair was just too comfortable!

Congratulations! Let us know when he walks outside too, i’m sure he’ll be confident to do that soon.

Is it what they say is true about boys being slower than girls in talking & walking ?
Is it alright for babies to start to walk around 11 m/o & start running at 13 m/o, or is it better
to start later ? Do all these matter as to their overall well being ( physical / mental / emotion )
later in life ? :huh:

Latria my boy walked later than both my girls ( by a month ) and in our playgroup of about 15 kids the girls were all a month or more faster at walking than their brothers although each family varied in what age the kids walked so some of it must be lifestyle or genetics. I am a big believer in encouraging them to walk early as little kids spend such a huge amount of both physical and mental effort in learning to crawl and then walk. Once they have this skill mastered they can spend their energy in learning the next skill.
My first child ( girl) walked at 9 months and didn’t rest after that, she had a full cross pattern run on her 1 st birthday and wins all the races at school (she is 8 now). My second was a lazy girl and I encouraged her to walk by having her outside naked, at 8 months she decided the grass was too prickly and up and walked inside! She is so far ahead of her peers in running that she is usually in a race of her own! (age 6) both the girls are excelling at school in all areas. My son is three and he walked at 10 months and then didn’t do much more until he was a week off 1 when we went on a holiday and he had to walk or miss out on the action! People who meet him are surprised he isn’t starting school next year. He speaks clearly and is quite tall. He is active and friendly and seems as bright as his sisters. He is fast too, like superman he tells me!

Congratulations to Your son and whole family MummyRoo :smiley:
Everytime I eat a marshmallow from now on I will think about your son’s determination to get that marshmallow and the joy it brought to your entire family

Thank you all! For all the time it took him to walk, he is now almost running. It was amazing to see that within a couple of weeks he went from a few wobbly steps across the room to walking EVERYWHERE! Now he will walk down to the shops with me with no effort, that’s over half a mile there and back!

Latreia, the only bad thing I found with the slow walking was that I wanted to potty train him over the summer :rolleyes: Doman says that a cross-pattern crawl is essential for brain development, and we had a good 6 months of that, so his brain must be in top condition!

Mandabplus3 - Yes, it is true - boys will do anything for the right edible treat. lol