I am texaslady22, and I just heard about this forum from a friend. I was a member of another forum, but I never even knew this one existed!!
I have one little boy, Timothy, who is 2 years and 3 months. He was born 6 weeks preemie and spent 2 weeks in NICU. We started doing Doman with him when he was 6 weeks old, and he was crawling by 4 months, creeping by 7, and he crept a loooong time after that
He had a mild midbrain injury that we hope has been resolved by all the creeping that he’s done, and once he turns 3 we’ll turn back to crawling for a bit to resolve a pons issue.
He’s a happy, healthy child and we all enjoy learning in this house!!
We do:
Encyclopedic Knowledge
Suzuki Violin
Timothy is bilingual in English and Spanish and we’re trying to get him more comfortable with Chinese. We also did sign language, but once he started talking he just wasn’t interested anymore.
We also do lots of “traditional” learning at our daily “school time” - we’re all about having fun with books, fingerpaints, crayons, and whatever else is interesting to us.
I’m SO pleased to meet like-minded parents.
We have a blog at http://domaninspiredparenting.blogspot.com/ that we’ve been keeping since the time Timothy was 6 months old. Doing Doman hasn’t always been easy, but the results are amazing!