Dear all,
I’m in a very weird situation and don’t feel well at all…but am not sure how I should act or what I should say about it.
My mum (my mum…not my mother-in-law) is visiting us from abroad (for a week or so)…and among other I’ve told her that I’m planning to become (already am) a permanent stay at home mum (at least for a good couple of years) so that I can take good care of my daughter. From my perspective, I think it’s a wonderful thing to be able to look after my LO…and be her first teacher…but her reaction was completely different and she was so dissapointed (she mentioned that ‘she dreamt of something else for me’) and I did see her face when I told her.
Now this dreaming thing goes on ever since I was a child…me making my own decisions, and her dreaming on her own about things that I didn’t really like. I’m not sure if this is because I was a single child…or because it’s a natural thing for mothers…but somehow I was always under pressure and had to raise to expectations…even though I literary did not like studying particular things, I ended up taking them as such because SHE WANTED (things that later in life I didn’t neccessarily find useful). Another thing she would do was to hide from people (more like not to mention) my B grades for instance…simply because (I think) in her mind it was a perfectly normal thing to be a straight A student.
All these things really really really annoyed me while I was a child/teenager/student and I always said to myself that I won’t ever put my children under the same ‘pressure’…but now that she’s here…and she makes judgements about me staying at home…and about my daughter already going to University (she’s only 3 months old now) for a particular subject…I find it even more annoying…it’s like she’s almost making choices for her.
She is and was a great mother…and I do love her to bits…but I totally disagree of her attitude regarding this side of education…and am not sure how to go around it and how to tell her that I DON’T WANT HER TO GET INVOLVED AT ALL IN MY CHILD’S EDUCATION.
Any advice would be highly highly appreciated.