My Favorite Music CD

I have listened to and screened more than 50 child related music CD’s and my favorite is Simple Science CD from Peter Weatherwall. I absolutely love it. There’s nothing like it in the market and I couldn’t believe I only paid $20 and got 1. Simple Science DVD; 2. Simple Science CD; 3. More Simple Science DVD; 4. More Simple Science CD; 5. Simplest Science DVD; 6. Simplest Science CD; 7. Musical Math DVD; 8. Fantastikos Mathematikos DVD; 8; Fantastikos Mathematikos CD; 9. Monster in the Bathtub CD

I accidentallly came across his youtube video and was hooked. It’s simple, fun, and educational…just what learning should be.

You can check out the package I bought here:

This is his youtube site:

If you have any other favorite non-fiction music cd’s please list them!

Hi Raising Ethan,

Thank you for this post! Do you actually HAVE this set already? It seems like a ridiculously low price! No catches???


Yes, I own the entire set. I also thought perhaps the quality may be bad and was pleasantly surprised that everything works and it’s very fun!!

I play the Simple Science cd (my favorite) everyday while we play and I love to hear my 2 yr. 4 m old son singing the Periodic table song and many others. It’s such an incredible value, I myself couldn’t believe it so I had to pass it on to others. $20 includes shipping from New Zealand. I don’t know how he makes any money off these things selling them for so cheap??

Also another non-fiction favorite of mine is Little People: Yankee Doodle Sing along

Hi Raising Ethan,

Can you provide the link to the Little People: Yankee Doodle Sing along. Thanks.

Karma to you, I got the “Early learning” multibuy as well!

Hi Susan, I first borrowed it from the library and now have it in my collection. It’s great, we’ve listened to it for a year now and he has memorized many (perhaps even all) the songs.

You can preview sample songs and buy it from Amazon.

One that I have recently purchased is Wee Sing Bible Songs, it comes with a small booklet and it’s cute because you can read the lyrics while you sing. I’m not sure if I’ll buy the Wee Sing America yet.

Thanks for the Karma, Ouroboros!

Here is a recent video of Ethan ringing some songs on the guiter.

Thanks so much Raising Ethan! I’m buying the maths and science multibuy, the early learning multibuy and have preordered the Human Biology set as well (which if you preorder, then you also get to choose another DVD and CD free!) Thanks again for sharing, karma to you!

We still listen to Simple Science & Simplest Science almost daily and although it is advanced for my soon to be 3 yr. old, he benefits greatly from the vocabulary and exposure to science in a fun & simple way. I can’t say enough good things about these CD’s and so greatful to the “professor” Peter W. for the creation of them!

Thanks for the Karma Aussie Mum!

Thanks a lot for giving me the info about this great dvd series by Dr Peter…I had a look at the sample videos and was quite impressed…though my baby is just 7 months old…I think its a worth while buy…and guess what I bought the science and math multibuy today…Thanks u once again.

Hi Raising Ethan,

Do you have a viewing schedule? Do you show the DVD everyday? How many times do you show for per chapter before moving on to the next?

Hi Susan, no viewing schedule yet, I try to keep things casual and fun. I’ve occasionally showed him selected video clips of our favorite songs. and/or topics that we’re learning about only. We just listen to the cd’s and then I printed out the words to “boring square” and made a little booklet out of it. He has learned the 1st 10 elements very quickly & effortlessly. Here is the video of him

Ethan is such a cutie. I like the way he moves his body. I am struggling to build up Alyssa’s interest in these videos. She seems unwilling to view them, though she will still sit through the entire show. She has never requested to watch them. Maybe i should show her videos of Ethan. She likes watching kids of her age.

Thanx Susan, he is a pretty silly little guy =)

hmm, perhaps just one video clip randomly played throughout the week (not daily) may spark up Alyssa’s interest vs. the whole program? I hardly ever show Ethan anything on TV although, I am making more of an effort to try to show him Tweedlewink 1-3x a week. That would be nice to see her reaction to Ethan’s videos. I placed the words on the bottom of each song so that the viewer (child) could sing along if they wanted too. He enjoys watching short video clips of other children on youtube too.

Thanks Raising Ethan. There are so many interesting vedios and i am so tempted to show all of them to Alyssa. :slight_smile: The song that comes after can catch her attention better.

Thank you so much for this suggestion.
As a new mom I have spent alot of money on trying new products and it is always helpful to have an honest opinion about a great product.

I’m glad u found this post helpful Mela Bala and momtobaby! :happy:

I also love this new CD: Sacred & Classical- Children’s Collection

While visiting Bahai House of Worship, they had a visitors center where I came across this CD for $15.00. I’m so pleased with the purchase and wanted to review it. It contains affirmations/hyms from different parts of the world, so not every song is in English. Each song has a different child reading it as classical music is played in the background. Each song is approximatly 1-2 minutes in length and love the idea that my son can enjoy listening to such positive and lovely music while learning affirmations. You can preview the songs on Amazon’s MP3 version of this cd and it’s only $8.99 on there.