My experience with my 4 year old son

Well its been almost a month since I started on this site and the information I have found here has helped me get my 4 year old son from reading maybe 3 simple words to over 45 words and counting. Thank-you so much!
Basically I flash him some cards at breakfast, then when stuck in traffic on the way to daycare, then after daycare in the car before leaving, and then once or twice in the evening. Before bed we review his retired words(I know Doman discourages this but this is his favorite part, he loves to show off what he has learned) We did take a short one week break during this month while on hoildays, but he remembered all his retired words and then retired a bunch of new words. Its just amazing to me, I know he’s not a baby, but he amazes me everyday. Just when I think he’s not getting a word the next day it clicks and he masters it.
He his in a ABA program, 31 hours a week, because of his mild autism. And they support my efforts 100%. They also taught him so much. Somedays I get overwhelmed gathering and making materials for this program but it is worth it in the end. I am determined to cure him, and so far he is on the path to losing his label.
I also started working with him using Handwriting Without Tears Wooden Pieces Set. Building capital letters and hopefully we will start printing more soon. We have done the YBCR program, but i found it very limiting, but my son enjoys it so we still watch it for TV time.
My son also knows ASL. He is in a English/ASL daycare at our local Deaf Centre. Its amazing to see a little preschoolers hands move when they are talking to a deaf caregiver. Or to see a caregiver sign to them and see your child completely understand what was asked of them.
Children are so amazing and I just wish more people were aware how smart they are and proved them with stuff to grow.
I also started getting him moving more, I refuse to carry him, and take him for long walks when I can. I wish I didn’t live in an apartment, I would love to have a yard and area just to run a physical program, but right now we just try and do our best. I wish the book discribed more ways to do the program with limited space lol
Thank-you again

That’s wonderful news! Children are so amazing in that they can overcome so much if they are given the right opportunities. Just think where he’ll be a year from now!

Thank you for your post. That is very encouraging for any parent! Children are truly amazing!

I loved reading your blog. You should keep posting!

Thank-you for your post :slight_smile: Because of your encouragement I updated today :slight_smile:

Hi Waterdreamer,

Is really encouraging!

My son is 3 years 7 months old. I am not successful using Glenn Doman method. He is on phonics, taught by myself.

He seems improving but refuse to say a word and not very co-operative to read with me or pay attention on cards.

I just know he knew some words but not sure how good.

Anyone who has experience dealing with 3 to 4 years old who is not keen to say out words? Mind to share your success story.

Hi rabbit_chong,
Because we also use ABA I use rewards to get my son so say the words sometimes. Especially when we first started, I’d say “Ok would you like to watch a movie?” He would respond yes, then I’d say " say these two words and then we can do that" then next time he has to say 4 words for the reward, then the time after that 8. Now I rarely need rewards. I use to wait for time where he would ask for fruit snacks or to play with him leapster, things he doesn’t get very often and then i would just say, “Well sure we can do that, but lets work for it” when he does it correctly he not only gets the reward but tons of verbal praise, I pick him up and spin him around and we celebrate his sucess. Soon that and the joys of reading become enough of a reward that he doesn’t need the other stuff.
Hope that helps!!