My experience with Doman, LR - son is two years old


after receiving much helpful input here, I would like to share a little of my story.

My son was born in October 2010. When he was 11 months old I started showing him flash cards with the Doman methods for a few months. I always struggled with consistency and showing the cards like the book suggests.
A year ago I made new cards with pictures on the back and showed those to my son. He liked those cards much better and started recognizing letters like “o”. I also showed him YBCR videos. He loves the songs.
I also made PPTs for him showing pictures of him doing things - like eating, playing, riding his bobbycar.
I also used an erasable board to write out words for him.
My son was not very verbal until a few weeks ago. He has now turned into a chatterbox, which is lovely.

I am very excited to report that he knows about half the letters of the alphabet.
He also knows about 10 words - he is now 34 months.
He asks to “write words” with magnetic letters on a board that we have accessible for him.
He recognizes the STOP sign when we ride in the car and he knows that it ends with the letter “P” like “Papa”.

It feels really good to have this kind of feedback - it’s taken about 20 months for this kind of feedback.

I will continue with showing him the cards, LR and the videos and try to create more input.
We are also doing puzzles and learning lots of new words verbally every day with him.

It’s so exciting to see that it really is possible to teach my child to decode words and hopefully to read !
Thanks for the support in this forum !


Congrats! Sounds like he is doing wonderful. Great job putting all that hard work into it.

I loved your story Antje! Sounds like you guys are having fun! :yes:

Thanks for sharing! It sounds like your little guy is just a few weeks older than mine. :slight_smile: Good luck as you continue your parenting journey!

Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

I’m glad to hear that you guys are doing well. While reading your post I just had to laugh… i bet he knows a lot more then he is putting on trust me. He’s just storing everything. Plus he can’t let mommy or daddy know everything he knows. Then he can not get away with it any more… lol. I wish you both the best of luck.