my day with my baby

I’d like to propose a new topic about our day plane, everyday things we do (how, when),
maybe it could help someone (me :yes: ) to understand if :yes: and how it is possibile to cleaning house and doing all houswork, looking after baby, doing facial or peeling and hair mask, take your baby at the playground, prepare some flashcards and materials for a next day,
something else?

If you have some suggestion or proposition how to organize all in one day I’m expecting :blink:

You can plan plan plan but believe me things come up and people pop in to visit or need your help, and everything just flies out the window. Currently my bub is not letting me out of her sight, so unless she sleeps well during the day, the house is getting messier, and I’m getting more and more tired. I’m hoping to move to a small country town with hardly any people, and thus be less invaded by visitors during the school week, and because of distance to shops, hope to stay home and thus get more time at home that way, plus the kids would catch a bus, so there’s over an hour of school pick-up/drop-off/driving time per day saved. I’ll shop once a week, not in dribs and drabs like I do now, and hope I can make daytime bubby time, night time older kids time… And if I can cook in bulk I’ll cook less often, so more time, less washing up…

I wish you all the best for your plans.
I know it’s really hard to find some time for ourselves and make our kids play and grow the right way.
Things get even worse when you’re alone at home almost all the day (because your partner’s at work) and the place where you live in doesn’t provide children with a decent playground.
I’m pretty sure this is a common situation among mothers everywhere.

Yup, it is the same everywhere. This is why most moms of babies under five have dark circles and messy look.
Women are the biggest minority on the planet. Things are slowly changing though. In Germany, for instance bigger companies have started to make childcare centers right in the same building where you work. There they have a female prime minister.
This is why I felt realy sorry when H.Clinton dropped out of the race for President of the States.

Hi, I suppose we all feel the same way, or don’t you have the feeling that you are not doing enough for your baby ? even when you spend most of the day trying to entertain him/her and teach all the things possible. Me, for instance, I spend a lot of time with my baby, do the housework and never have a moment for myself. I don’t care much about it but before I had my baby always had I time for me, for putting some make up, trying different clothes on to choose the most convenient, etc Today I feel I’m always in a hurry.

Hi, I’m a working mom. I have got to know about the Doman method from the forum here and am very excited about it. But showing my X flash cards 3 times a day seems impossible as I reach home around 6pm and he goes to bed around 10pm. Besides wanting to show him the flash cards, I also wanted to spend time talking to him, singing to him, watch my favourite tv shows :tongue2: , do some simple house work etc. I can hardly find time for myself. I remember the last time I went to the saloon was 1.5 years ago!

I am so with you on not really knowing how to get everything done in one day, let alone ever :mellow:

Personally, I have found this website to be a lifesaver when it comes to organization and keeping my house clean.

I don’t keep to her plan perfectly, but just a few of the recommendations have really made my life easier. Like the before bed routine and morning routine.

I don’t always do it perfectly and sometimes not at all. But when I do it sure makes things nicer around here and makes me feel a lot better about our home and myself.

Although, now that I have been doing all this baby education planning the house has really been pushed to the back burner. :rolleyes: But I am slowly trying to integrate everything into a workable schedule.

i totally agree.

i have 7mth old son and he is my jewel of my life. he amazes me everyday and brights up my night.

but i have a problem too, i reach home at 6.30 ot 7.00pm at night and my son goes to sleep at 8.00 to 8.30. can you believe it. i have very little time with him and all i want to do is hug and kiss him till he goes to sleep. i only show flash cards in the weekends and spend quality time with him then.

its just so tight for me and i feel very guilty about it all the time



I have the same guilt too as I’m also a working mom who reach home late. :frowning:

I can only show my son one session of cards instead of recommended three sessions. I think showing him one session is better than not showing at all, at least he is learning something. I try not to stress both of us and enjoy the precious time spent with him, even a few hours a day.

Thank-you to sb1201 for referring KARMA for you :yes:

I’ve really enjoyed setting up my routines. Being a SAHM, I seem to get distracted easily. This has helped me to better plan our day and I hope to keep it consistent. Currently we do LR 3 times a day plus math lessons (9am, 1pm & 4pm). I try to do a craft activity everyday and I’m also trying to get in the routine of us exercising in the morning.