My daughters terrible twos are really terrible😞

So my angel is 2 a half… And her attitude is less then impressive. She is not interested in learning anything and her tantrums are soo bad. How are you guys surviving the terrible twos yet alone doing early learning through them 😢

Well I guess I’m the only one…
But I tried something new with her the past few days; five active minutes every hour. I had her running, jumping, dancing and you name it. We had 1 very short tantrum today. So if anyone is going through it, you might want to try getting them moving

I am sorry you’ve been experiencing terrible twos. I dont have much advice, because we have not experienced it much, if at all. I have 5.5 yo, 4 yo and 2 yo, and we’ve only had some behavior problems with my 5.5 yo, when she would miss her meal or have it later ( so her sugar levels would drop).

I think you are right about providing good exercise to them. Another important thing is good nutrition. For instance we do not have any commercially cooked meals at home, no additives, sugar or GMO products, and I think it really helps.

Also our kids get a lot of physical activities, they exercise outside on their playground in the yard and also have an indoor playground. They get about 3 good solid hours of active play.

Another thing that helps is no TV. On a few occasions we ve visited a relative with TV playing on the background or when TV viewing was unlimited, we were able to see how the behavior changed. In our home, we do not have TV at all, and we only view a very limited number of educational programs every day. It helps their level of concentration and interest and definitely helps with overall attitude.

They are not angels, and they do fight from time to time, but on overall we really enjoy our time together :slight_smile:

Oh I had a shocker of a tantrum thrower! She was so bad she basically got no EL! I spent my entire time doing behaviour management with her. She certainly taught me patience!
Anyway the biggest help was banning TV. I used to send her to watch TV when I just couldn’t cope with her anymore. It was the WORST idea ever. she couldn’t cope with TV and even now years later I have to limit her viewing.
Excersize definelty helps. It is a known mood leveler.
Regular drinks of water helped. As did ensuring level blood sugars through regular small meals.
very important was to set firm boundaries and never ever go back on your word. If you can’t follow through with a threat don’t say it at all. Consistency is key. If we were heading out I used to talk through the expectations for behaviour before we got out of the car and remind her of them often, remembering to praise any good I saw.
Even after all that we still had regular tantrums and I was often found shopping in Isle 3 while my daughter chucked a tantrum in Isle one alone. I shopped Monday morning and thankfully the staff got to know us and kept an eye on her. One time I even took witches hats and placed them around her while she screamed. She didn’t care one bit! :ugh:
It does get better just be consistent!

This may not apply to you, but when my 3 1/2 year old was two, he would get very oppositional if he didn’t get enough sleep. He was better when I figured out he needed two naps instead of one. I didn’t get him until he was 22 months old, so there was a learning curve.

He was better with more sleep time, but he didn’t sleep completely through the night, so I gave him magnesium. His behavior improved even more, to the point that I would say he didn’t even experience the terrible twos. Unless I ran out of magnesium.

I used InGear Magnesium Glycinate which is a powder. I make lemonade using lemon juice, stevia and water and add it to that. For him it took three scoops (a 1/4 teaspoon scoop comes in the bottle) in 28 ounces of lemonade. You can use a product called Natural Calm but that is Magnesium Citrate which has more of a laxative effect and that was too much for him. Mag glycinate has less of that effect, but it still does that some.


Great discussion! My girl is only 15 months and almost always smiling, but she is strong willed! I wonder if teething (2 year molars) has anything to do with terrible twos. We aren’t there yet, so I can’t speak from personal experience with my own daughter.
I think great points have been brought up: sufficient exercise/movement, limited TV time, healthy, organic food, etc.
Supplementing with magnesium sounds really interesting. How did you come across that idea? I’d love to read more about that if you have any info you can share on the topic. I’ve read that most people are deficient in magnesium and that it should be taken at night since it can make you kind of tired. It makes sense that it would help him sleep better thereby improving his mood.

Wow there is great advice in here. My daughters eating is horrible, sometimes she eats once a day. My doctor said not to be to worried it’s a stage. But low blood sugar could really be a problem.
The advice about limiting tv was spot on. Her grandparents let her watch how ever many hours she wants. I’m working on bring that down though. Thanks for all the advice guys!!! 👍👏

I just posted a sort of related topic mum…about concentration…so I’m finding some of these ideas helpful too.
What is it about TV do you think? I think I’ve noticed a connection between my son’s behaviour worsening and T.V. watching. Too stimulating ? Too passive? Unfortunately we don’t have too much control over it. Our Family Day Care provider lets him watch T.V. - and sometimes way too much. We are hoping to get him in a center soon (with no TV) but centers in our area are very hard to get into (despite the fact he has been on several waiting lists for 2 + years).