My daughter is not paying attention

Hi there, I bought the little reader last week and have gone through 5 days of the syllabus with my 5+ month old daughter. Age doesn’t look very interested and she usually look away or yawn during the session. And keep grabbing the laptop.
I made it interactive by talking to her about the words and do some actions together.

Is this normal or have I done anything wrong?

For a 5 month old, that can be normal. Maybe try a different time of day when she is more alert. Generally, it works best for us right after a nap and a snack. Or try plugging your computer into the TV so she has a bigger screen to look at. Keep it fun and quit before she gets too bored. Sometimes babies can appear like they are not paying attention, but they see a lot more than you give them credit for. Maybe she isn’t bored, just equally interested in the laptop and the lessons. Maybe get a remote mouse you can hold in your hand and back farther away from the screen.

I think its normal for 5 months old because she is so much little and immature yet. You’ll feel betterment with the passage of time.

I agree she is so much little right now for this but you can take help of some video’s to learn quickly. Generally children adopt many things by watching or listening rather than reading.