My daughter can't read yet... we're doing the program now since 7 months...


I began the LR curriculum with my daugther, when she was 11 months old, now she got 18 months yesterday.

We do it consistently, 1 session a day, sometimes also 2. We had only a pause of 10 days, when we were in holidays. She likes the curriculum very much!

BUT: she can’t read yet. When I sometimes show her a word (I test her very rarely), she says anything, but not the right word. And then she looks at me, as if to ask, if it is ok? Or when I show her 2 words and tell her to pick the right one, sometimes she does sometimes it is the wrong one… it’s like, she had no idea.

Sometimes I’m losing a bit my motivation…

Hi Lolobride,

I, too, am a bit disappointed that my son isn’t reading the way I thought he would be at this point. However, I can encourage you by telling you that his vocabulary is HUGE. I believe it is because of LR and YBCR that he can understand and use many different words…words that I may not have thought to teach him yet. It’s all exposure. If your daughter is still having fun then what’s the harm in continuing? At some point, my son and your daughter are going to express their learning by showing us their reading skills. In the meantime we need to just keep it a game and continue to expose them to as much as we can while keeping the fun alive.

And…I “tested” my son when he was younger…he was happy to show me his learning. But I remember when that changed and he wasn’t pleased anymore with “performing” for me or my family. That’s when it began to get more difficult to do LR and YBCR. So, we’ve switched our approach. Oh…I’m still curious and would love to test him, but I know that as soon as I do, he’ll clam up again…so we’re trying to “be cool” with it and accept his “no” as no…well, we actually make him say “no, thank you” :slight_smile: - gotta stress the manners, right?

Hi! Brillkids suggests you do the program at least twice per day. Doman insists on flashing the words faithfully three times a day as children learn through repetition. With my daughter I try doing session one, then session two, and if I have time, flashing either session so she sees the words a third time. My daughter only started reading very recently after I almost gave up. Good luck with your little one and don’t give up! It’s totally worth it. Hope this helps.
