my child won't look at the dots

Hi, I have been teaching my child to read and now I am starting maths with doman’s method of dots. My son looked at them a few times but now won’t look at all and when I say, let’s look at the dots he will look everywhere but, even with all the distractions taken away, he has even stopped wanting to read the words even though they are new to him. Any ideas?

While showing dot cards, I used to insert few family pictures in between (say after an equation). This trick was a big success for a long time for us.

when using psyhical flashcards I use to put my dd photo or black and white pictures in between the dot cards. One time I had to use pictures of ants and bees instead of red dots to keep her interested. She also liked when I changed the white backround of the cards to something darker - but that was at LR.

Have you tried to show the dot cards in different time of the day? With my dd it only worked in the morning while we were still in bed.

You cannot force a one year old to do much of anything. That goes for most all pre-schoolers.
Mom must be having fun for learning activities to be infectious to them. This is not so hard
since we all love our babies and enjoy spending time and doing activities with them.
Beware when it starts seeming like work. Amazing what little minds can pick up.

On the dots try using stickers of pictures they like. If they like stickers of cats put little cat
stickers over the dots. I would personally only use one type of sticker on the same digit.

Kids are emotionally attached to things they collect. These are the best things to practice counting.
Give a one year old choices of different stickers and see if they react. You may have to use big
pictures of the stickers since their visual acuity is not well developed enough to distinguish small
differences. This lack of visual acuity may be part of the reason they are not paying attention.

We use large letters and numbers, almost 8 inches, at first which works just fine.

Maybe sit down and start looking at the flashcards or LM. Y yourself but in eye shot of your LO. Laugh and giggle like your having a great old time and perhaps after a day or two your LO might be so interested she will ask to join in.

Thank you all for your comments, what would I do without brill kids forum. I do realise that all teaching must be done joyously, and it must be fun. I inserted family photos between the words and dots and he loved it, laughed alot at himself in the photos. I also used teddy by showing teddy the words as baby watched on. I have been using these websites also which are good for words and first sentences:

We are excited at his reading progress and can’t wait to see how the dots and maths will progress.

Again all, thank you.

some slightly jumbled thoughts … hopefully of use to you…

I think babies see the dots so quickly that it is hard to notice them see the dots !

In the Doman books it keeps saying that if they don’t look interested try speeding up … babies like new information and they like it fast.

My boy loves numbers … and loves the dot cards… he was going around the supermarket today shouting out all the prices (those under about 30 kronor at least)… he can read all the number words and identify all the number figures… but he can only really match the numbers/words to the dot cards correctly up to number 5 … so his understanding of quantity is pretty much limited to the fingers of one hand right now.

I read on another thread (something about speed reading) that the mummy had said to her daughter to imagine she was taking a photo of the page with her eyes … and thought that might be a useful idea for getting to grips with quantities when baby is old enough to understand such an idea … probably around 2yrs old.

how do you insert pictures of your family etc in between LM slides?

To Michjas

I am not using LM slides, I created my own powerpoint slides but I also got some from the brill kids forum ie go to free downloads and powerpoint slideshows and search for dots, this will give you slides with dots. I then inserted slides into the middle of these slideshows and inserted my photos that are on my computer, or you can use clipart and put in funny photos, anything to keep them looking at the screen and he will pick up the dots in between all the fun photos or pictures. I also done this with words. Let me know if you need any further information.

My kid sometimes hates the dots too. She is 2 years old now… and we just follow the doman method teaching skill. However, I am now using some new techniques to her. I am going to ask her using the clothes clip to learn the mathematic. How I start is using the number card with red dots under each number and ask her to clip on that. This might be help and cheap way as we need not spend a lot of money.

Sometimes, I figure out while teaching small kid , you must change the method every day as they love to have some new fun learning skill. I am sure this will be a good point to motivate your kid to start on reading skill.

What I am teaching now … every idea is on my blog :

may be you got some idea from here… take a look! :biggrin: :biggrin: