My child is on the autism spectrum

Hi. My name is Amber and I’m new here. I stumbled across this place when i was doing a search for a coupon for Little Pim. This place helped me get 25% off which was great! When I found this place I thought it looked great.

I am 31. I have 4 children. Chloe is 9, Aiden is 7, Clara is 4, and Owin is 2. Both of my boys are on the autism spectrum.

I never heard of programs like this when I had my first two. I worked with them on my own with things but wish so much I had thought of reading programs and such when I had my first. She is smart and I know she would have taken off with it. But can’t go back. I heard about reading programs when I was preg with #4. It was the Your Baby Can Read program. I also just do my own flash cards and print worksheets off free websites and such. Clara started it when she was 2 and now at 4 can read pretty well. 100’s of words. She also can write and tell you all the sounds letters make. She is learning math now. She knows what a right triangle and isosceles triangle are along with other advanced shapes.

Well when I had Owin I sat him in front of the dvd’s and showed him the flashcards from the time he was 3 mths. Now at 2 he can read at around a 2nd or 3rd grade level. That’s my own estimation of course I haven’t had him tested or anything. But I can write down any word off the top of my head and he can tell me what it is to 97% accuracy. Even words like engineering, knock, and trapezoid. He is also learning russian and can say about 100 russian words including counting and colors. Now I will never know how much of it was due to me working with him and the programs or how much of it is due to the fact that he may have natural ability due to his autism.

He actually didn’t start talking until he was almost 2. He’s been in speech therapy for some time now. But before he was 18mths he would pick out the words on flash cards when I would lay them out since he couldn’t yet speak. So even by then he could read 100’s of words just he couldn’t say them. Then it’s like he woke up one day and was talking overnight! I believe his autism is fairly mild, tho they won’t say yet until he’s older how mild or severe. But since I already had lived with it with my older son I was able to recognize it early and started getting him help very young which I think also is what is contributing to how well he is doing now. My other son however struggles very much with reading and school. But he is very good at other things like building and video games and such. he just has different abilities and skills as with any child.

The dr says it may be that Owin is hyperlexic. He has always been fascinated with words and letters. So again I have no idea how much of his skill is natural ability or something else but I am at least certain that the work i did with him helped to get him where he is now. Anyway just wanted to say I think what I’ve seen of this site so far is great and I wish i had found it many years ago!

Welcome to the forum! It sounds like you are doing a great job with your kids. Hopefully, you can get some new ideas from the forum and other members who have similar experiences. I recommend you pm Waterdreamer or read her blog. She can probably give you some great info.

Its amazing what your children can pick up! The one thing about kids on the spectrum is a lot of the time, the window for early learning is open for a lot longer then a typical child. Even with your son Aiden maybe you might be interested in using the Wink To Learn programs, they are designed for up to 7 years old.
Congrats on doing so much with your children. Isn’t it exciting to see such great results.
With your boys are you doing ABA or biomedical therapy?
Welcome to the forum!

Welcome and nice to have you here!

Hi Amber,

Welcome to the Forum. I really admire your effort to teach your children. I am sure that we can learn a lot from your experience. You mentioned that you could recognize the signs earlier with your forth baby. May I know what are they?

Hello Amber! Welcome to the forum!

Have you seen this book yet: ?

You can read a few pages here:"your%20baby%20can%20read"&lr&pg=PA34#v=onepage&q=create%20a%20hyperlexic&f=false

I read the full version not so long ago (your post has actually reminded me I wanted to write up a review of it!) and found it very good. The author proposes to use hyperlexia as a tool to help the child to overcome communication deficits. Since reading comes easily and naturally to many kids on the spectrum, she goes further and makes a case of “creating a hyperlexic child” (if the child is not strictly hyperlexic) to open up more learning opportunities. The best part of the book is a detailed ABA-based reading programme, and if your current therapy is ABA, it could fit in.

Thank-you so much for this info! I have some gift cards for, I’m going to order it right now!!!

welcome Doveswings4
It looks that you have geing doing an excellente job with your kids and i am sure that after all the information you will learn in this forum you will be more than happy to came across it.

You are no the first but it is never too late. I am a grandmother and am preparing my schedule to teach my grandaughter that was born 2 days ago. Good luck and keep the excellent work.