My child is gifted and I need an affordable school to send her.

Hi, my child is sixteen months old, and she can count to ten, says over one hundred and fifty words, and recognizes all her body parts. She is also very social including saying thank you when she receives something, and apologizing when she does something wrong. I am worried that she will fall into the system and lose interest. She has a high interest in learning, but every school I’ve researched is too expensive. Is there any program that will accept and develop children like her.


Congratulations to your daughter and to those around her!
All of us here on Brillkids forum may say similar things as you about his or her child(ren), we’re all proud of our kids, as each of them has expressed at an early age in different and surprising ways. Some related to music, some related to vocabulary and language, other related to drawing etc., maybe some more than others. And we’ve seen that an interested and educated parent helps in the education and upbringing of his child.

It’s both in what the child comes with in her life and the environment that she lives in, I think.
And some parents want and are able to offer the child a rich environment, either at home or in the community (by choosing the educational system that one affords and believes in) or both.
Some educational systems may sound good for your child, some not. It depends on the teachers and people running the systems too, not only in the system itself. Montessori, is in my opinion a more appropriate and personalized educational system. But if you’re looking for special systems for gifted children, you should find out which are in your area and then ask specifically about them.

You didn’t mention what country/state you’re in :slight_smile:

PS: Sometimes even in the free public system you can have wonderful surprises. I prefer the middle way: find a not so good and not so bad school, according to the family budget, and help the child at home to improve skills, to love learning etc. The school system is only one part of the child’s education, right?

I live in queens Ny and your absolutely correct, we do the"your baby can read" program with her, and it produced amazing results for her I just don’t want her tenacity for learning end one she reaches school. Do you have any recommendations? And btw thank you for the response, it’s refreshing to learn your not alone in this pursuit.

Here is a website with all the school info. I am pretty sure this is relevant to your area
She is the expert on gifted schooling.
However I would just be reading up at this point you have plenty of time ahead of you. Right now put your focus on teaching your daughter. It is surprising how the right opportunities present themselves as you need them.
Have you tried the Little reader program? If not download the free trial, I think you will like it. Follow the links up the top :slight_smile:
Welcome to the forum proud dad!

If you are in NY, you’re best bet is to try for montessori or the public school gifted program lottery to save money. You can read about it in detail if you search online and check out Testing Mom like it was suggested. For that instance, I would definately begin preparing her, the earlier the better.

Another good place to start is looking up preschool, kindergarten, and 1st grade entrance exams for high end private schools in addition to training her for test taking. For example, I live in Virginia Beach and here are the Teacher’s Rating Forms for a local high end private school. Print off the Kindergaten and First Grade forms, as well as any others you can find online. Another good resource I have heard about but not followed to the letter (although I probably should!) is the Core Knowledge program, which posts the “What Your Child Needs to Know By ______” guidelines.

You can create an early learning program like most parents on this forum have done, combining the BrillKids software with a variety of other techniques and curricula. You’ll be reading these boards for months lol good luck!!

I forgot to mention the obvious…homeschool may offer the best individualized education if that’s an option for you. It’s certainly not for everyone, but some ppl love it.

Amazing suggestions, and I look forward to future forums detailing her progression. Also I researched the program and I looked at some YouTube video, there is no such thing as too much learning material so I look forward to using that especially the math one thanks again.

There are some really great threads to explore about teaching toddlers math. And teaching toddler science that are recent.
I also recommend alongside little reader is to use If your daughter had yet to learn her phonics sounds, YouTube videos and preschool prep DVDs are a great way to introduce those.

:wink: So you did help her! Welcome here and karma to you for having the guts to do something like that for and with your daughter!

Great job with teaching your little one!

Yes, I would suggest ( like others did already) to keep on the momentum and continue giving her new learning opportunities, expanding her horizons :yes:

What I would do next –

Little Reader

Little Math and hands on Math Games ( there are a lot of good suggestions on the forum, just search “teach math” )

Your Baby/Child Can Discover

As well as lots and lots interaction – reading together ( follow the words you read with your finger), counting everything around ( forward, backward, skip counting, sorting by properties, try hundred number board ( highly recommend!), pretend play, lots of physical activities

Have fun while learning and you will not be disappointed. As you will pursue this Early Learning journey, you will discover what her interests, srengths and weaknesses are, and you will be able to concentrate on those. You still have time before starting school, and now is the time she is learning and absorbing the most, so take advantage of that.

Nice to have you here on the forums and I hope you will find a lot of helpful and interesting information!