My boy with Down Syndrome is reading at age 2 and a half years


I just want to share my experience to all parents with special needs children. I’m so delighted to tell you that before ending the first semester of Little Reader Program my son who has Down Syndrome started to read. Now that he’s 3 years, he is flying in reading, we go outside and he’s reading everywhere even new words he sort of understand the phonetics too. He loves the program and always asks for more and giving me books to read together.

I can’t thanks enough to all the people who are involved in the fantastic program and for you parents keep going you will see great results with your amazing children :smiley:

Thanks so much for letting us know, Maribel! That’s awesome!

Wow! That’s fabulous news. What a lucky little man to have a mum as dedicated as you :slight_smile:

I am so happy for you and him! Very inspiring, keep us posted on his accomplishments.


I was very glad to read this. I have an 11-month-old with Down syndrome and just discovered this forum and program. :slight_smile:

Congrats!!! We’ve had similar results with our now 7 year old daughter. .

Thank you so much to all who posted. My daughter with DS is now 2 years 4 months. I have been meaning to start her with the Doman methods; I am very interested in these programs. I am appreciative and excited to hear your results.

I am so happy for you and for your son! I have 7 m.o. with DS.I started with Flash Cards and want to continue with LR Program.

That is awesome! My son with DS is 3 too and I am just getting started in the next week or two with the program. Can’t wait to see what happens!

I am here to learn how to teach our precious daughter with DS to read. Just getting started on this journey and would love to hear any ideas or tips you could share. Thank you.
~Denise :slight_smile:


Welcome to the Forum! It is wonderful to have you here. Feel free to browse around and use the search function. There is a lot of great advice from other parents who used Little Reader for their little ones with DS. I am so happy you found us! Feel free to ask any questions and we will be very happy to answer!