Dear friends
Matthew is here .
he was born last Friday early morning at 4.20 am after 4 hours of labor , short but very intense .
One more time we were blessed in having the kind of labor we wished for without any complications .
We stayed home and we did it alone without any medical assistance , just me and my wonderful Michael . It was a family thing , with Isa and Tina 's presence , they got to see their baby brother coming out in the birthing pool .
We decided to have an unassisted water and lotus birth . we had no doctor or midwife , there was absolutely no medical intervention , it was gentle natural birth , even the cord is not cut till now ( lotus birth ) waiting for it to detached on its own .
Those moments were magical brought us all closer and will be with us all the time .
Baby weighs 4.5 kgs , height 56 cms .
he got on the breast half an hour after his birth and started sucking like a champ .
The girls are so happy and in love with their little brother ,we all are .
I am still in disbelieve really , only 2.5 years ago , and for 12 years it was just me Mike and Isa , and in very short time our family grew .
you should see the happiness in Isa’s eyes ( my special need daughter ) her life is a lot more exciting and happier with her brother and sister around .
the last months or two before labor were really hard ( remembering Isa’s traumatic birth and trying to
overcome it ). it is such a relief I feel now .
I know life is going to be crazy for a while juggling between the three , but we’ll make it .
I am sorry i had few private emails i couldn’t reply to but i am sure now that you know why you will forgive me .