my baby lost her interest with little reader

Hello everyone!
I have 12 months baby girl and we have been useing LR for a month. At the begining she was very happy when I played the lesson for her but now she doesn’t want to watch it at all. any sugestions what to do???
please let me know if you have any ideas

Would she respond better if you sat her in your lap? Maybe parents put baby in the highchair or at the table for snack time and let them much on cereal or something while watching LR. They will associate LR time with a snack and look forward to it. We do our lessons during breakfast every morning and usually lunch. Dinner is for family time when my DH is home from work.

Have you also considered changing the time of day? Either when she’s tired before bed or when she first wakes up, depending on her temperament. I had good luck the other day taking my laptop in the bathroom during the kids’ evening bath and showing them a Tweedlewink lesson. LR would work the same, just be careful with water near your laptop!~

Also, have you run an HDMI cable to a large TV if you are currently watching it on a little computer monitor? She might like it nice and big on the TV. Another option is to print out the flashcards if she would rather touch them in the flap binder and interact more with you. Or you can turn the sound off and read the words yourself and see if that makes a difference too.

You can take a break for a week or so then introduce the new routine in a very joyful, consistent way and see how she responds. Good luck and let us know how it goes! It may take her a few days to get use to the new routine. The key is consistency at the same time or association so she expects it’s just something that you “do,” like brushing teeth or getting dressed in the morning, it just becomes part of the routine for everyone involved.

I will try tomorrow morning during her breakfast:)
she is very busy around now cause she has just started walking and it’s hard to keep her atention for longer that few minutes.but I keep trying:)
need to get cable TV!!!might work for her!!
Thank you for your help
Let You know how is going:)

What type of tv can you use an HDMI cable with? We don’t have a flat screen tv quite yet. We’ve yet to upgrade. :rolleyes:

Hi Mio Mao,

Probably you wanna try to download other activities of Little Reader such as songs;pg=1;sortby=mostrated;orderby=desc

I think kids enjoy listen to song. Try to download those top rated songs and play for a few times. When she start get interested with LR again, only play those songs after LR lesson and most likely your kid will pay attention to the lesson as she will look forward for the song session. Hope this might help. :smiley:

My son began to lose interest in LM, so I downloaded all the extra icons. That kinda worked, but what really got him back into the game was teaching him how to push the spacebar on his own. After that, it was nothing but gold.

Young kids crave a little control… and they love buttons. The only downside is that now he always wants to push the spacebar. I didn’t know a spacebar could do so much! It can play and pause videos on youtube and hulu, even. lol

So, now… he always pushes the buttons even for ppts. The trick is teaching him to wait until I tell him he can push the button or until the voice stops (LR) or he is prompted to do so (LM). After we got all that down, he’s psyched again about it all.

Thanks everyone for help!!!
I have just downloaded some songs and I am sure my baby will love them!!! just one question…can they be played on big screen or only in this small window???
need to teach her how to press spacebutton as well:)

you don’t need to have flat tv in order to use an HDMI cable. just check if you have proper socket at the the back of your tv:)

ok lol lol I know now how to play it on the big screen :slight_smile:

Hello everyone!
Just to let You know that my baby loves the songs I downloded:) I put her into the crib in our bedroom and play a song for her and then the lesson and some songs again. She is very happy with that so far!!! (there are no toys in the bedroom so she can’t be distracted)
Today hope to get an HDMI cable for my TV:)

Good idea annisis!

And mio mao, so glad you were able to pique her interest again! It’s amazing what we can come up with when we all put our minds together to help each other, how encouraging! :slight_smile:

Just a word of advice…don’t spend a lot on an HDMI cable. The cheap ones work just as well as the expensive ones. I got all of mine on Amazon for less than $3 shipped.

Thanks everyone!
It’s good to have such a great support!
…so far so good:)