My baby kicks off her blanket at night

I know there is many of you who deal with same thing so please help :yes:
My baby hates duvet,blanket…anything I try to cover her up at night. I even bought her a sleeping bag but that is even worse.She crys and kicks. I keep her with me in my bed now hoping to keep her nice and warm.
What do you do?

Buy some blanket sleepers :smiley:|132920|133060_newborn|girls|blanket%20sleepers

Well…my son zis the same and has been since he was a baby. He is two now and still does not like any blankets or duvet. He wakes quite a few time because he gets cold I think. I just let him wear warm pjs and put a sweater on top. Sounds silly but that’s the only thing that works for us. :clown:

Tracy the website doesn’t work :blush:
Mae , yes I do silly things myself to keep her warm. I have put my thick pair of socks on ler leg and fold the blanket that it covers just he back and keeps her legs free. But this means I don’t get good sleep myself as I keep checking on baby.

Why does she cries in a sleeping bag? I used one for my older daughter and it has planty of room for legs. So she should be able to move her legs and kicks as she wants. Or why do you think that she does not like it?

My son was in a sleeping bag/blanket sleeper until he was about two. (Aside: I saw one that was large enough for an average height 8 year old!!!) Anyway, one day he decided that it was enough and to this day he will not use a blanket OR wear socks. He’s almost three and we still have him in a crib (he’s NEVER tried to get out and he’s not ready for night potty training). We talk to him about when he is in a big boy bed and that he will need to start sleeping like a man (or like cousin Sam, or like his buddy Matt) and will be using a blanket. I hope this works, but until then he sleeps in long johns, a long sleeved shirt that can be tucked in, and then a pair of sweat bottoms and a sweatshirt…and we keep the room warm (23 degrees F)

But…I know where you are at with not getting sleep yourself. I did the same…sneaking in at night to put on a blanket…tucking it just so so that if he rolled over it would “follow” him…I’ve even risked waking him by putting socks on him while he slept. I feel your pain :frowning:

Strange, the link works for me.
You can go to
Then click on Blanket sleepers.

thank you Tracy :slight_smile: I used to use this when she was very little. They are great and warm but I think it’s harder to control the heat and if I would need to take it off at night I would need to wake her up. Once when she had it on she woke up with fever and I felt really bad as she was very very hot. I have never used it ever since.

Pupisek my baby needs to move - that’s why she can’t stand it :rolleyes: She crawls around the bed until she finds position for sleeping.Sometimes on my head lol

In that case I think that I would keep the room warm enough for her to sleep in WARM pyjamas without a blanket… Is is possible or not??? :smiley:

I think I have found solution!!! I cut the Grobag bottom in the middle in halves and made it like trousers. I sewed it in 5 min. And it works!!! She can kick and move and crawl. She slept in it for 3 days and she was actually asking to have them on :slight_smile:
Hopefully she will not change her mind :happy:

Congratulation! Good for you both! I hope she keeps enjoying it!

I’m glad you found a solution. For people that may have the same issue and do not have sewing skills (like me :blush: ), this may work. We used this sleeping sack with feet since my dd was a year old until she was potty trained. It worked great because she could move around. Now we just keep the room warm and put on warm pj’s.

Great tips I am going to try them out until we find a solution!