My Baby is loosing interest in YBCR


My baby watched the YBCR dvd 1 for 5 days and now he is loosing interest in that.

What should i do?

Please advise.


How old is your baby?

I say put the DVD away and use something else to teach the reading for now. Depending on their age you can play games with the flashcards. Just use the sliding word cards, and you can always read the books to your child.
If anything my 4yr old loves it when we read the books. They are flashcards, but in book form. LOL.
If you have Brillkids use that for a little while. Brillkids just downloaded the Powerpoint I made for YBCR 1, for the 2009 version. It follows the first book.
Even if you don’t there are some free downloads on the homepage that you can use.
Make your own Powerpoint. It doesn’t take long to do and really isn’t hard.
Just get out some books and read. Point the words.
Wait a little while and then bring them out again after a while. Sometimes they just need to take a break from the tv, but the reading doesn’t have to stop. Just do something different for now and then go back to it later.

Hey I have an 18 month old daughter…and I started YBCR when she was three months old or so and She watched the first DVD here and there for a while but there were weeks and days she never watched it I just showed her words written on cards or powerpoint presentations or read books to her. I mainly used the DVDs in the beginning so I could clean or take a shower and it would amuse her and educate her. I agree with TracyR4, you should follow her advice. My daughter loved the DVDs but at times she got sick of them some faster then others I changed the DVD or book or flash cards to the next volume or incorporated new words into the mix. You can always go back and review. I had my moments of does this work and is this the best thing for her (because you hear a lot of let your child play and “be free”, but trust me I believe that teaching your child now is the best thing, I can not see how anything is more important than giving your child a good head start)…but I followed my daughters lead if she was bored or cranky I would just play with her (introduce shapes, numbers (thats when I found little math), colors, I even introduced her to presidents and states and capitals, I actually have the power point presentations uploaded) Trust me all your work with your child pays off my daughter started saying words so early even reading or recognizing written word, she knows some states and a few presidents and most of her shapes…( i am not bragging I am just stressing how important it is to change it up and keep your child engaged) It is amazing how easy it is for a little one to learn things and yes all these programs like YBCR are great and have helped me but it is the time you invest sitting with your child and teaching them. You do not have to follow Dr. Titzer’s schedule or anyone elses…follow your childs lead keep him/her engaged and happy.

Happy Learning :smiley:

Yes, also know the the other DVD’s do review previously shown words from the other DVD’s. It doesn’t show all of them but it shows many of them in the following DVD’s. You can still go to the next DVD and then review the next a few times a week.
If that doesn’t work I definitely think using the sliding word cards, books, even the Brillkids or your own powerpoints. Change can be good. :clown: