My baby is 13 months old and she still do not want to walk alone

Hi Lovely Parents,

My baby is 3 months old and she still do not want to walk alone. She only gives 4 steps and then continue the way crawling. She always asks me the hand to help her to walk long distances and she doesn’t seen too stable. What can I do to help her to walk alone?

Thanks in advance,

My son didn’t walk on his own until almost 15 months. He would walk with one of those walkers that babies can push in front of them. He loved it and would giggle all the way across the house. He did that for months. He was perfectly content crawling everywhere, and I don’t think he had the condfidence to walk on his own. Once he decided to walk on his own, he was fine and had no problems. Do you have one of those push-walkers? You should be able to find one for under $20 new, and it might help.

My DD didn’t walk alone till 13-14 months, she fell a couple of times and started asking for a hand every time when we needed to go somewhere. She was holding walls and furniture when she was home. At 12 months check up PCP told us not to worry about her walking alone, she was standing and holding her weight. No problem with walking, running and jumping now. Don’t worry, Gilma, your DD will be fine. Give her some time, she will surprise you one day.

Don’t stress about it, my girl gave her first steps at 14 months and only started walking a few weeks after that.
Your little girl will walk when she’s ready! :slight_smile: And remember, every baby/child is different. Just remember to have the video camera ready for those first steps - they are priceless :happy:

I was just as worried as you, about the same age of my son.
And I had to finally relax and understand that our son likes to perfect his moves and does only what he feels it’s safe. And then, one day, just like other mothers told you, we see him doing it!

The body builds up in stages: the joints in the leg need time to strengthen themselves. And the baby won’t do something his/her body isn’t able to because it might hurt the legs. That’s why I like the Doman method, as it teaches parents how to let the baby move naturally, in his/her own pace or appropriate for a certain stage.
And, one more thing, that I’ve seen at our child: the abdomen needs to be strengthen too, to sustain the upright position, as the gravitation point changes in this position.

Ohhh…Thank you very much for your replies…ppfff…I will try to relax and leave her try it alone, when she is ready. I was worried that maybe I was spoiling her and making her lazy because I give her my hand when she asks it.
I have one of the walkers that they push and she love it and even she changes the direction if she is against a furniture or something is in her way. So, I dont need to be worried. That is good to know.
I will keep the videocamera ready.
Thanks again. Kisses