My baby doesnot drink breast milk


My baby doesnot drink brest milk.
He is completely on Similac milk.
Whether it can be a setback for my baby in future that he has not had the breast milk?
Please share your opinion.


There are many babies that are fed with formula. My mom did not feed me breastmilk past three months. I was a healthy child. I remember my Aunt feeding her two babies formula and they were healthy kids as well. I would not worry about it too much because if you worry your baby will pick up on your vibe. Did you ever try mixing formula and breastmilk. Also did you try pumping your milk so you could feed your baby with a bottle? I was very concerned I was not producing enough breast milk and started drinking mother’s milk tea to promote healthy lactation. Best of luck to you.

Oh dear, I too had terrible time with my son on breast feeding. However until to day i am successful on feeding. what i did was I only gave best milk until 6 months and from there onward, only nipping time or at sleep. he only drinks for five mints. lol he is vvvvfast. my doc said even tho he is taking less time if he is active and wight was gaining then there inst any problem.

good luck.