My baby does not want pacifier

My 3 months old baby girl does not want pacifier. But she wants to suck a lot. She is mostly using my brest but than she is probably overeating. I guess it does not hurt her… But still - do you have any tips how to teach baby to use pacifier? We have tried different types and she does not want any of them.

Breastfed babies typically can change how they suck so that they get little to no milk at all while they’re comfort sucking. It will be a lot of work to get her to take it, and then a lot of work to get her to give it up later. It doesn’t seem worth it to me. I wouldn’t worry about it if it doesn’t bother you.

My son did have a soother. We had one as an aid to getting him to take his reflux medicine (as in squirt it in his mouth and quickly put the pacifier in there so he’d suck and swallow) He would only take the soothers that have round nipples, not the “orthodontist-approved” flatter nipple shape. And he still preferred to comfort suck at the breast. He would only take the soother if I couldn’t nurse him like in the car, other times he would suck on it a couple times and then spit it out.

Thank you.
Unfortunately I think that my baby does not have that ability :slight_smile: Or if yes, she does not us it. :slight_smile: When she if full because I have a lot of milk and she had enough she still wants to suck so she still wants the breast to be comfortable and the milk is still coming so she is still swallowing… It would also help me if I want her to go to sleep on her own when I am not able or do not want to for some reason to have her on my breast while falling asleep. My first daughter was able to have one since one month old (I did not want to ofer it earlier because of breastfeeding) and she used it to fall asleep. It was easy to get rid of it.
Any other tips will be appreciated! :slight_smile:

My baby didn’t accept a pacifier. I bought, really, like 20 different pacifiers (different brands, different forms, different size depending of her age) and no one of them work for my baby. She decided to suck her tumb while she was getting tired or hungry and she falls still sleep sucking her tumb (16 months now).
So, my conclusion was that some babies really never want to use a pacifier.
Good luck

Consider yourself lucky. Its one less thing you have to buy and worry about getting lost. LOL.
Actually my 1st, 3rd and 4th girls did not want or take a pacifier. Of course they used me as their pacifier. Honestly sometimes it seems like they want to suck but they don’t. You have to find other ways to sooth them if they don’t take a pacifier. Wasn’t always easy to do but you don’t want them to overeat.

I did find though that my girls changed their sucking patterns and they were getting very little to no milk when they were just sucking for comfort. Its hard to appreciate being used as a pacifier but honestly , enjoy the time you have together. They grow up wayyyyyyyy to fast. My oldest just turned 13 this year and my baby girl is going to be 5. :frowning:
My 1st, 3rd, and 4th were breastfed babies. My 2nd daughter I was only able to nurse for a week due to her being tongue tied and it was pure torture for her and I. So I had to switch over.

Before my baby was born I was sure I won’t be giving her pacifier.Then when she was 5 weeks old I tried to give it to her just because I felt really tired - not sure why. I am still breasfeeding and it still makes me tired and sleepy lol.
But it is beautiful feeling.

I used to deep pacifier in breast milk. :yes:

Your baby cannot over eat, I thought mine does, but his weight curve is normal. My baby doesn’t want pacifier neither, and that’s totally fine with me. I showed him how to suck his thumb though. Just accept your baby as he is.

I thought too that breastfed baby could not overeat. But I am pretty sure my baby would and does sometimes… She is gaining weight tremendesly. I am not worry about her beeing fat because I am sure too much nursing can not hurt her “health”. She just feel uncomfortable when she overeat and throws up. If she is well fed and I would give her my breast she would want to suck. And even after that if I tried that again she would again take it… So we offer her our finders - that is what she is willing to take if she does not want pacifier. She was to young to suck on her finders but she is gaining this ability now.

The problem also is that she does not take bottle with expressed breast milk. I wanted to use brest milk from bottle when I am not at home and my husbank could feed her. But she does not not how to suck on the bottle, she only bites it. :frowning: Any advice?