My baby cried today.............

Ok for the first three months my son has basically sleep in our room in his bassinet well he is getting to big for it but he still fits. So anyway I made a mistake and wash one of his diapers in the washer so it made a big mess my son was in the middle of sleep and just not comfortable so I stop cleaning the washer to put him back to sleep he feel asleep and I put him in his crib I wanted him somewhere safe in case he woke up. So anyway I went to finish the washer and in the middle he woke up he was fine at first but then he started to cry usually I get him and calm him down but I was frustrated with the mess I made so I said he is safe, he is not hungry, and he doesn’t need to be changed. He cried and cried and i just realize what a big mess i created over these three months I feel bad but one day he going to have to go into his crib because the bassinet is getting too small. I just felt so bad i actually cried my self because he know I don’t let him cry. So has any parents gone through this and what did you do help me make this transition better i guess i just don’t want to lose his trust by making him sleep in his own bed know.

Hi floyd_941,

It’s really tuff transitioning from the bassient to the crib. My daughter was just over 5lbs at birth so I was able to keep her in the bassinet for several months. I too went through many emotional nights listening to her cry but it’s healthy as long as there’s no sign of distress. The cries will continue until your little one adjusts to the surroundings but the length of time will grow shorter and eventually stop. My daughter cried every night for a good 2 weeks which seemed like an eternity. I tried both music and nature sounds which didn’t work however the sound of static (white noise) calmed her down. If you haven’t tried music or natures sounds I’d start there but if you’ve done this and it’s not working… I recommend the white noise. Here’s a link where you can purchase a CD or download at Try putting your baby down for short naps in the crib so the smell is more fimilar. Also if you’ve reached the point where you feel you absolutely must calm your baby down, try just rubbing or patting the back while your baby is still lying in the crib. This will reassure your little one saftey and comfort without interupting the transistion to the crib.

Hope this helps… Good Luck! :slight_smile:


I had a similar problem. I had to let him cry. I think there is no easy way to do the transition.

It is difficult, and I was never successful. I just could not cope with letting my baby cry for more than 3 minutes. I just felt it was natural to comfort my crying baby, so I did. In the end I co-slept with my baby until she was almost a year and then we transitioned her into her own mattress in her own room. Overall it seemed to work for us. I hope that you find what works best for your baby.

I know exactly how you feel, it’s really difficult to just listen to them cry, but in the end, I’m not sure there’s much option. when we first started putting my baby to sleep in her cot, she would scream for what seemed like an eternity, it was unbearable but I was determined to just let her get used to it. The way I saw it was crying is their only way of communicating their displeasure. I would make sure she’s dry, not too hot or too cold, not hungry etc, once I’m sure, I just let her cry for a while and keep checking up on her, reassuring her I’m there and she’s not abandoned. I started off gently stroking her face and singing, or patting her back till she stopped crying and went to sleep, then went on to just standing where she could see me, then staying in the room but not that close o her, then to putting her down and leaving the room, then coming back ever so often, gradually increasing the interval. All those I did without picking her up at all. Soon, she got to realize no matter how much she cried, she won’t be picked up, so now, once I put her in her cot, she’s out within a minute! The whole ‘training’ took just over a week. But it’s well worth it now. No matter how not sleepy and active she’s been, once I put her in the cot and say goodnight, that’s it, she’s asleep, no fuss.

I couldn’t do this with my older son, cos I couldn’t bear to watch him cry, and boy, did I suffer for it, he didn’t go to sleep on his own, or sleep thru the night till he was nearly 3 years! I had to lie on his bed with him till he fell asleep. So I was determined toi nip it in the bud this time!

Whatever you decide, I wish you luck. In the end, it doesn’t affect the child that much either way!It’s really just the stress it puts on us as parents. My son’s absolutely fine,and goes to bed on his own now, sleeps well through the night.

i know how you feel.

we’ve been through a similar thing. while i was breast feeding i brought Sa’ad into our bed. my husband couldnt sleep though because Sa’ad would kick him and sleep on him.

i had to use a sleep training technique to first teach Sa’ad how to sleep. your baby cries because he does not know how to put himself to sleep. we did the training. it was hard at first and i felt terrible.

but baby was fine the next day. he actually forgot about it and he of course still trusted me. now we are both happy. i dont think that it scarred him in anyway at all.
crying was part of the process. it couldnt be avoided


my Qarissa is 11 months old (next 2 weeks will be turning 1) but she still sleep with me & hubby since day 1~ :yes: …she’s fully BF & seldom cry …when ever she cried, i will quickly gift her my BF & she will keep quite …but now, she’s getting tougher & always kick my hubby …hahahah ( gud for him since he never experience the hassle to wake up late night to prepare the milk…) &i really have no idea how to do the transition from my bed to her own baby cot. The baby cot is just a place for her to sit down & play with toys while watching her DVD (while my maid clean up) …

i’m quite worried when the time come to do the transition …but i just pretending everything will be ok …i;m worried actually …especially if i have a 2nd baby …whoaa…how la …??? :nowink:

I just keep my baby in our bed, we co-sleep. I figure he will get old enough, we will put him to sleep on his own bed, and then he will get up and come to sleep in our bed every night, give him a deadline to stop before kindergarten. Wow, I slept with my parents off and on until I was 11, I did not know so many people just let the baby cry.

Please see these threads too

floyd, as a mom, i do understand your feeling.but myself also afraid to do the transition.i wish that my baby can still be a baby for ever.hehe.from the first day they born,i never separate bed from them and never allowed them to sleep with some one else but me.I got an experience when I’m on delivery my second baby,which I just have to stay 1 night at hospital after give birth.Luckily it just for a night,I was wondering how my first daughter sleep at body of my family member told me what was happen,until the next morning they are come to visited me,and they said my daughter did not sleep at all and just crying and shouting all over the night.And in the morning she’s look sad,don’t want to play and refused to eat/drink milk. this is what I afraid of…

but i think it just only at the beginning, in transition process what we can do is make their bedroom feel comfortable and cheerful.Decorate their bed,put everything,toys that he like,make he feel safe and try to talk to them about it.make them understand;that it just a normal process that they have to go thru.maybe will take some times,but they will slowly change.that’s will help i hope.


Dear friend;
Don’t even worry about it, I have been there also, My baby she slept in our bed the first 3 months, then she went o the basinet and finally to her crib. The first three days in the transition basinet-crib, was difficult she was crying for few minutes…the fourth day was ok. Since that she never cried again, she loves her crib, I have the monitor with me I can hear what she is doing, even if she is not ready to sleep I put her in her crib now(15 months) and she just relaxing and then goes to sleep.
My pediatrician said, " babies don’t have long memory" they forget really fast, DOn’t even think she will be mad at you or something like that( I know is difficult), you will see, next morning she/he will be witha big smile waiting for mommy to came and say hi like nothing happened the night before.

Every transition is hard…nobody likes changing. even us as adults…takes time.

I Think the earlier you teach them the best the will do…I have a friend who has a 4 years old little girl and she still sleeps with her…otherways her daughter won’t sleep!!

thanks guys for all your advice its been a week and hes back in the bed and bassinet its really bad but he does take small naps in his crib but that’s it. I just need to get organize as far as his schedule.