My baby can read!!!

My daughter startedYbcr When she was 3 months. We did the program 5-7 times a week, following the suggested schedule and utilizing the flashcards and my own personal power point presentations. Juju absolutely loves to read, and be read to. She is now 11 months old and is blowing me away with her vocabulary. She can repeat almost any 1-2 syllable word u ask her to, and calls out objects by name when she sees them. She asks for “apple juice” and asks for the lights to be “on” or " off". When we’re at the grocery store people are blown away by her speaking at such a young age. We never have to force her to do lessons cause she asks for her “books” and " cards" on her own. She knows the names of all our close family members and even our friends. One day I wrote "colt"s name on paper and she read it never having seeing it written befor. I followed with the other kids names in the nursery at daycare and she got those too! She isn’t even one yet and is leaps beyond her peers. The one thing that seems most important to me when teaching is when she loses interest we stop right away until she’s ready… And giving long pauses after I show her cards with new words. She’ll say it four or five times changing her pronunciation each time till it sounded rite to her. Ok… I’m done bragging, but if you’re considering ybcr do it!!! Follow the steps and make it fun, the results will show themselves. :nowink:

Well done!

That is awesome! How many additional words beyond YBCR did she learn with PP etc before she started to read words she hadn’t seen before? Did you do PP in a word families, like cat, fat mat? Or related words like animals etc? Did you specifically teach letter sounds? A says a etc?

There was an recent post about scanning baby brains. I’m not sure I’d want my kids’ scanned without knowing more about the method. But it would sure be interesting to see what the brain of a phonetically reading one year old looks like!

I was curious about your power point presentations in addition to YBCR because my own impression, which could be wrong as I don’t have any evidence, is that a high percentage of babies using YBCR are able to read sight words (which is awesome in itself), but not a high percentage of YBCR users are reading phonetically.

It is great that Juju likes to read and be read to. Clearly an early reading program won’t work for a baby if the baby doesn’t want to watch it. It wouldn’t be surprising if the babies that especially enjoy programs like YBCR, LR, Reading Bear etc will have the most success with them. I also wonder if some babies are “wired” (I don’t know anything about how brains work) to “get it” easier than others and because they are "getting it, " even before they can talk or sign, the reading program is more engaging for them ,so they enjoy it more, which leads to more time watching the program and again increases the chance of success.


That is simply phenomenal! I am so proud of both you and your babe. She sounds so sweet and intelligent!

Way to go Mom & Juju! :biggrin:

ANESE20 - just try showing your child some early learning materials and let watch his or her response. Be very fun and lively when you show the material, and always stop before they want to stop. Have you downloaded the free 2 week trial of Little Reader yet? It’s an easy place to begin!

Amazing! Well done!!! So so happy for you. That’s fantastic :))

Thanks for all the great feedback. I use words from the YBCR program as well as words that we use on a daily basis in my PP. I do show her letter flashcards, but we just started about a week ago. So far she knows, can recognize and vocalize, all of the vowels, B, S, T, and a couple others. I don’t really keep track of how many words she know, cause she says new ones all the time. I think more than anything, her verbal abilities are outstanding. She loves the sound of her own voice. She sings songs and you can catch a couple of the words as she babbles along; abc’s, happy bday, itsy spider, twinkle star, and some spanish nursery rhymes she learned from her nursery teacher.
I also have the YBCR Lyrics Video in Spanish and English, and she LOVES it, so I’m sure the fact that she actually enjoys the videos has a great impact on her learning.

I kind of take jujus lead when it comes to teaching her. One thing I have noticed about juju is sometimes we’ll see a word and she’ll try to say it. Let’s say the word is ‘pot’. She’ll look at it and say something off like, ‘dat’, then she looks fro a few more seconds and says ‘pat’, then lets off some babbling and finally will say ‘pot’ and she knows once she’s said it right cause she’ll start to turn it into a question, ‘pot?’ Sometimes we need to just give them a second to figure the word out trying not to interrupt with ‘whats that say’ a bunch of times :slight_smile:

As far as a brain scan… probably not :slight_smile: But I’m excited to see where she is a few months from now. She’ll be 1 on the 20th!

I hope you have video of her. That is priceless.

My baby CAN read too!! We have been doing the YBCR program as well since she was 3 months or so and she LOVES it, she actually demands her reading time. I noticed when she was about 19 months old that every time she saw the written word NO she would say to me ‘no’, then about 20 months old she was playing with the flash cards that come with the book and she was reading them without looking at the pictures. Then I tested her with the same 6 words I heard her reading in books, I read aloud the book with my finger on the bottom of the word and when we got to the words I knew she recognized I would stop and asked her ‘what does it say?’ and she would read them to me!!
My husband didn’t believe me at first and when he saw her he was so happy and proud, and after that her vocabulary has been adding up to her reading words.

Funny thing she does not talk that much because I speak to her in spanish so she is building her vocabulary in both languages, but I am not worry because her pronunciation in both languages is perfect!



I just ordered YBCR last week it should be here any day, I am so eager to get started on it. We have been doing LR but he just stares at it with no reactions at all. I actually sometims wave my hand in front of his face because he seems to be in a trance lol… Seems even kind of scary sometimes lol
Anyway Congrat’s to you and yours : ) :slight_smile:

So Juju turned one October 20th!! Her progress has been outstanding!!! We did the 2 week trial ofLR and she loves it. She can read the words just as fast as they flash in the “word flash”. her pronunciation is as good as ever! I would say she can say Any 1-2 syllable word you want her to. I would say she is well over 100 words at this point. She now says “the” in front of nouns… I.e… The ball… The juice… She can also say 3 word sentences… Need the cup… Want the apple juice… Not the lite… Bubbles popp popp popp… And her fav. Song came after her birthday and hearing happy birthday song so many times. “happy happy juju!!!” and she sings it all the time! I wonder… Is this typical for most of the babies on early learning programs… The verbal ability??? What can I do to further develop her sentence structures.

My sons verbal ability also increased dramatically from watching YBCR, although he started it at 14 months old. I do think this is probably typical. After watching YBCR for a few weeks, I didn’t even really care if he learned how to read from it, I had already felt I had gotten my moneys worth just based on how much his vocabulary had increased. I was so amazed at all of the things he learned in those videos. I’m now considering getting YBCR in Spanish which is half off right now at their store.

LDSMom… I couldn’t agree with you more :slight_smile: They have this spanish/english songs dvd that has songs that go with the background music on the YBCR videos. If he likes the reg. videos… he’ll LOVE these. It’s a little cheesy but who cares? We all need a little cheese in our lives :slight_smile:

I have been looking for a version of YBCR in Spanish but I can’t seem to find it online, at least in the USA. Can anyone post a link?

Thanks much!

Never mind! I found it in their official website, and I can’t believe the price, I paid a lot more for YBCR and YBCD than for this Spanish version!
But my kids LOVE this program!

Yea, they have it for half off on their store right now, actually the english YBCR set is also half off for a limited time, check their facebook page and you can see the message about it. I actually decided to get the Spanish version because of the price and am hoping my sons Spanish vocabulary will increase.

I also noticed there is a French version on for anyone interested.