My Baby Can Read?

We have a copy of YBCR and I just showed it to Zed for the first time a couple days ago. About the third time “wave” came up, he waved at the tv and said bye-bye before the voiceover said wave.

That is, according to the little pep-talk at the beginning by Titzer, signs of understanding and time to move onto the next DVD. Does that mean I’m seriously only going to have to show him that DVD the one time? Should we watch it a couple more times anyway?

We only do English once per week, but we have been doing word flashcards. Mostly nouns though, things he sees in everyday life. Wave was not one of the words we’ve shown him.

Anyone else have a similar experience? Any ideas how to move forward?

I believe he said the child should know most of the words before moving on…

Thank goodness! I would feel awful talking DH into YBCR and then only watching each video once!

I can’t believe how quickly he’s picking things up though. His language is taking off, he’s more than doubled the words he can verbalize in the last 2 weeks (23 to 57 in two languages) and is showing signs of recognizing written words in those same two languages. Nothing yet in the other 5 and we give them equal treatment. Or his approximations are too approximate for me to understand him.

Children are amazing.

Yes you should wait till he knows most of the words. Keep in mind that it can move quickly if your kid is really engaged and likes learning from the videos.

We broke our daily routine and Zed watched YBCR on a non-English day (gasp! the horror!) because Daddy wanted to see him wave at the tv. I feel better about being confused now, the wording used is a little ambiguous, but Titzer does say that when they can pick out the right word in the Word Games section it’s time to move on. I just skipped that part the first time. LOL. Daddy was having no such thing though.

The results?
He waved at “wave” every time.
He yelled out baby at “baby” a couple times when the word was showing but every time it showed a baby.
He giggled and tried to touch his nose for “nose” even though he had things in his hands.
In the Word Games section he got 10 of the 14 right!

He amazes me so much everyday!

I see that you started with flashcards and after that you tried YBCR. Can you share with us at what age did you start using reading material and what were they at the differents times in his life.
My grandaughter is 2 month old and so far we have been doing some visual stimluation with balck and white cards.
When should we star with colored flashcards of objects and when with letters.

How are you going with YBCR affter this months?