My baby always want me to hold him.


My baby always want me to hold him.
Dont know what to do?

He doesnt let me eat, cook etc.

If i leave him in cradle/swing then he cries a lot.

Please advise what to do.


Hey, my wife complains about this sometimes too. We got a “baby sling,” and when he gets a little older we’re thinking of using that more. Right now he’s still a little too young for it, but a six-month-old it might be perfect. Speaking as someone who is carrying a baby when I would like to be doing something else, I don’t have any easy answers for you…I’d be interested in what others have to say. You could always try distracting the baby with music. The mobile in his crib seems to calm our baby down when we need to brush our teeth or whatever.

Some baby slings are suitable from birth - I had a sleepy wrap (one of the cheapest on the market but actually better than several more expensive models) and although it is not quick to get on/off it is brilliant.

I still have a clingy baby, but as Daddude suggested music seems to work a treat.

Hope you work something out soon!

Hi New Mom27,
I would have to say that I would just hold him a lot / use a sling / carrier, so that he could be with you (I even have a shower sling!). Both my babies were held a lot, which made lots of things challenging (eating etc) - but that just seems to be the way babies are sometimes! Their time as babies goes so fast, that they will soon be toddlers who seem to run around all day without needing more than a 10second cuddle!
Sorry for the lack of new ideas - but I would definately recommend trying to borrow or buy a carrier (the ergo-type one is really comfy for both Mum& baby) or sling to see if it makes your life easier in the interum.
Good luck!

I remember the days when Nicholas had as much of my dinner decorating him as I managed to eat… lol

Well I will suggest to buy a baby carrier (BACKPACK or frontpack is the same thing), it may be helpful. My daughter when she was a baby she loved spending time in her baby swing…she used to take naps so confy.
I will also suggest not to carry too much your baby because they get too much use dto and then he will not give you a break! Let him cry…and give him other option, maybe put a balnket in the floor and put him there close by you…talk to him, sing to him…etc. Show him that you guys could be in the same room but it is not necesary to carry him all the time.
It can be hard…nobody likes to hear the baby crying for you but we just need to show them different ways.

I would recommend getting a baby carrier, too.
What also helps a lot is playing a white noise to your baby when the baby is upset (for example recording of vacuum cleaner). We use it with our baby and it works like a miracle. :slight_smile:

I have a carrier with me but he doesnt like that as he likes to jump and play with me and in carrier he feels like restricted.


I have always given my baby what she needed/wanted and sometimes I was tired,hungry…but she knew I was there for her and now she is very independent . I miss those times she wanted to be with me and I could cuddle her.

I used this one

she liked it a lot.

My 4 month-old baby always want to be held too. I have a baby carrier for outside and a sling to wear at home. But when I really have to put him down and cook/shower,etc, I try to distract him by singing, dancing, playing peek-a-boo, etc. So, try to be creative and do different things with your baby, I am sure you’ll find the right solution that fits him.

try to place stimulation cards wherever you need to put your baby down.Maybe that will interests her-him.
When I needed to take a shower etc. I used to put her in a carseat.She was happy there,she could see me and I could see her :yes:

Yes, stimulating pictures on the wall close to the place he is, it is a good idea. And try to change them time to time so there is always something new and interesting to discover!

what sort of baby carrier are u using newmom27? try sling/wrap/meitai, I’m almost sure he’ll like at least one of them :slight_smile:

I think hold them as much and as often as you can, they are only little once and for such a small period of time.

I have a Mei Tie carrier that can be used forward or backward. Sometimes he is fussy in it and I try dancing with him, music, or distraction. For white noise I use an electric toothbrush, the vibration also seems to help and it is small enough to tuck inside the Mei Tie.

Is passing him off to someone else to hold an option? I try to get my partner to hold my son while I eat or shower.

I use the crawling track to set him down, he does cry a little, but then at least he is getting his exercise.

I today placed my baby on the table where I was eating and she was happy that she was with me.
Is that an option for you for times when you want to eat your food? :smiley:

My husband had to hold our son in the bathroom while I would take a quick shower while looking and talking to him. Someone at my husband’s job gave us the advice if he was fed and his diaper was clean its ok to let him cry while I take care of myself. I never agreed with that. Hearing him cry would break my heart. Now that he is a little older he amuses himself with certain toys.