My 7 month LO doesn't show interest in reading! PLZ HELP!

I started little reader on the computer with my baby when she was 4 months. She was very responsive and would look at all of the lessons until she turned 6.5 months. Now she’s 7.5 months and she doesn’t seem to have any interest anymore. I even made a lot of flash cards to use instead of the software since she would get bored and she wouldn’t look at the lessons in the computer, but she’s still not interested to look even with the flash cards. What interests her more and catches her attention is pictures and colors but not words. She would give me her semi-full attention when i am showing her colors and pictures but as soon as i show her words she turns around and starts engaging her self with something else.

What should i do? i really want her to learn but i don’t want to push it. Even though she doesn’t show interest i am still trying my best to show her the words every day even if it was 2 or 3 that catches her attention.

Any suggestions on what i can do? Your help in this matter is really appreciated!!!

Many thanks!

can someone please help?

Hi Baby_jude,

I have been in your shoes and have found a couple of things that have worked for us. First, you might consider taking a break for a week or two before trying these suggestions so that it is a fresh new game for your baby when you start again.

Since she likes the pictures it might be as simple as showing her the picture first and then the word. I found my son wasn’t at all interested in the words either. If I showed him the word first it was as if he said oh no not this again and completely tuned the rest out. Instead, I started by showing him a picture, talking to him about the details of the picture, and possibly making up a story or something else entertaining ( like if it was a dog making the dog bark and run) after all this I would quickly flip the card around and say “and this says___”. Then we’d quickly move on to the next one.

I also used toys and hid them under bowls with the toys name written on the bowl. He seemed to like that game and learned fast from it. You can also get one of her favorite toys to do the reading. Finally, having a distraction free zone is very helpful. We did a lot in my son’s highchair and I also took the suggestion from somebody here to keep flash cards by his car seat. We do a few words when I put him in and take him out. He seems to like it.

Good luck!

Its likely just a faze. Pamela Hickein says kids are absorbing stuff even if they are not looking at the flashcards. Just continue showing it and I’m sure she will start looking again soon.
I find if I run our LMs and LM(we do LR on the iPad) during breakfast and lunch I get a much better response. Or lay out some baby puff cereal to snack on.

My son was like that for a while and we stopped with little reader and show him your baby can read DVDs instead. I also show him little reader for 1-2 minutes (he preferred the multisensory session then and I shown him just that) at the end of a meal while I was cleaning him up when he’s still sitting in the high chair.

However my son still liked books so we read with finger pointing at the words. He grew to like little reader again when he’s after one.

Sounds like your little one is bored. Is there any other way to show her some reading DVD’s now? I started YBCR at 4 months old. When my daughter got bored we switched to other ways of learning. I put flash cards up all over the house and labeled everything! We concentrated on that for a couple weeks then went back to the YBCR. She just turned 2 and can now read at an almost 6 year old level now.

Keep it fun and lots of praise!