My 4 Yrs Old

Hi all…

I have problems in how to discipline my daughter! She cannot sit still for more than 5 minutes!! When I get her to do some writing, she’ll write a few words and run around. I have to shout for her to come back to sit down. Even her Montessori teacher is complaining to me of having problems in getting her into the structure!

How do I teach her math?
I have friends who are fans of Kumon but some not because Kumon is left brain teaching!
What about teaching Abacus? Which products & manuals are the best in teaching Abacus @ home?
She is now exposed to SIgning TIme by Rachel Coleman because of her little sister and she has learnt alot from Signing Time.

She is also reading up to Book 3a and 3b of Peter & Jane Books by Ladybirds. She can write from 1 - 100 and backwards from 100 - 1. She recognises more than 100 chinese words. Is this supposed to be within her age’s normal learning ability?

Please help!

Hi Lil,

I feel that your 4 yo daughter is doing great.

I have little comments about your Montessori Teacher. I feel that the teacher must be able to teach and INSPIRING your daughter. Seems like her teacher lacks of experience in handling her.

If she couldn’t focus too long. Just split up to few times a day and slowly increase her attention. May be maze, dot-dot, spot differences, cross words might help her to focus and concentrate better. I get my son do it almost everyday.

Just need to praise her a lot and make it fun. You can get some ideas from

My son is 3 years 7 months old. He recognises about 40 words, number 1-20, letter sound and name, basic shapes, basic colours, name of trucks.

I ever tried P&J and he has read up to book 2a & b yet still couldn’t recognise the words. The worst thing is he hates it.

Now i teach him using phonics method. He is in short vowel ‘a’. Think he should recognises more words soon.

I am considering to send him for kumon next year.

Your energetic daughter is very advanced for her age. Some kids think better when they are moving. My son can’t think if he has to sit still. I used to reprimand him for fidgeting and not paying attention. Then I realized that his mental processing seemed sluggish when he sat calmly. So now I let him fidget and run around every couple of of minutes. I have him read ten sight words than do a few laps around the living room. We do drum rolls on the table to get excited and attentive … “Drum roll please, the amazing Robby is about to read!”

Good Luck, Lori

lil check rightstart math curriculum using the abacus and lots of manipulatives , and games , not much work sheets . i really like it and lots of homeschoolers give it five stars . it could be a good program for your daughter .

Dear Lil & Everyone,

What is your daughter’s nutritional program? What does she eat? If you feed her balanced meals with high nutritional content, with Omega 3’s she will have the focus and high attention span with a calmness about her.

My family follows the Zone nutritional program and takes the Omega Rx by Dr. Barry Sears. My children have extremely high attention spans - better than most 3 - 4 year olds, as I have been told by several teachers.

  • Ayesha