My 3 year old reading

Here is some video of my 3 year old reading some flash cards and books. Her learning journey has been much different than her brothers, who began reading to me at 12 months old, and at times I didn’t know if we were going to get here. She has made tremendous progress in the last few months. I have to say that flash cards and reading books have been a huge part of our success. She seems to learn new words everyday. For any of you who get discouraged and wonder if it will happen, here is our testimony. We do a combination of whole words and phonics, which I think is very important at this age. I have made a lot of mistakes with her and wish that I could go back and do things differently, but we read a lot and she loves to sit and read books. More than having her read early I wanted her to love to read and in that we have been very successful.

:biggrin: Great job

Right on! She reminds me of my son, he insists on holding the book too. Too cute!!

Wonderful :laugh:

great job Momma! You must be so proud, how wonderful, good for your daughter!

Great job as always Krista. :slight_smile: