My 3 year old is peeing in his pants

Chance has been attending daycare for two years now. He has been potty trained for well over a year and is all of a sudden having accidents on himself (peeing), almost daily in school. I have no idea why or what to do. I am not sure if it stress he is going through, a phase or some other unforeseen problem. Can someone please give me some advice? He is my grandson, and my daughter and her husband has been going thru some rough spots. I will like to know how to handle this situation!

First stop is to ask the daycare teachers if they have changed the ruitine at all, or if they have discussed with the kids only going to the toilet at certain times. Also find out if he has a new teacher ( perhaps he isn’t comfortable talking to her yet?) or a new friend, who is more fun to play with than a toilet stop. Ask enough questions to be sure everything there is the same. It used to be, if he has changed rooms it may take a while to get used to the new arrangements and he obviously needs some support at the moment remembering to use the toilet. So be sure they are reminding him.
Stress at home is a possible cause. The trick with this one is to be sure he knows that he is loved by both mummy and daddy even if mummy and daddy are fighting or having a rough time. Be sure he knows that no matter what happens he will always have someone there for him and will never be abandoned. ( like left at daycare, or unsure of who is coming to pick him up and when) a good solid unbreakable routine can do wonders for this fairly common accerance. Ensure the routine includes some quality one on one with each parent. A quiet cuddle before bed with a story from mum and a special hug goodbye from dad each morning perhaps. It does need to be predictable for the child to have a positive effect. Good luck.

My 3 year old was fully potty trained at 2 but sort of recently, totally regressed. For my daughter’s case, she got sick and that’s what caused her to regress. I didn’t ‘re-train’ her, I just waited for her to be ready again and now she is back to being potty trained. It took 2 months to get her back on track. She was quite sick so I didn’t want to feel like she was pressured, I never said anything or showed any stress when there was many accidents, I just cleaned up the mess. Like the other poster mentioned, ask the childcare of any ‘changes’, if none, ask yourself if there has been any family related stress in his environment whether it’s you or between you and your husband or any other family members. Your son could be picking up on someone’s stress. It could be one of many things.

Maybe he was stressed that’s why it happened. The only advised I can tell you is that talk to him about what happened and advise him that he’s now a grown up kid and must pee on the toilet.