My 3 month old is singing in tune to Little Musician!

I just had to share this:

We are on day 15 of Little Musician with my 3 month old. He absolutely loves it. We also attend music classes twice a week with my toddler & the teachers & other parents have commented on how alert & interested he is in music. Recently, I have been thinking that he is trying to sing along when I sing to him and today I noticed that he is trying to sing in tune to the Solfege part of LMus - his ‘do’ and ‘mi’ are particularly good! I’ll try to get a video of it as it is just so cute.

Thanks BrillKids!

How gorgeous. I can’t wait to see a video! :yes:

That is amazing! Please do share it. :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see!

Update: tonight he was singing along to his Miracle Math Music CD!

Why, oh why, do I never have the video camera near me when I need it?!?

This is a great report! How long has he been doing little musician?

We started on 23 September. I aim to do one lesson a day, although we have missed a few days. Also, he is often in the room when his older sister is doing her LMus lesson - she is on lesson 97.

Our music programme looks something like this:

Little Musician once a day
Miracle Math Music CD 1 while he is asleep
Tweedlewink perfect picth (as part of the overall lesson)
Random CDs playing in the background - focusing on Little Pim French Bop at the moment

Music classes twice a week - one is a fun music & movement one, the other is a little more comprehensive called Music Together
I sing to him a lot - his favourite is Twinkle Twinkle & the ‘hello’ song from our music class

I haven’t managed to film him singing in solfege yet :frowning:

While we are not really following HSIYB, but one thing we do is I sing & pause at the end of each line to see if he will vocalise. He really enjoys this & it generally calms him if he is out of sorts. I filmed it yesterday but I can’t upload it as it’s bigger than 2.5MB - can anyone tell me how to reduce it? Thanks

BTW Pokerdad - thank you for your updates on Cooper. I love reading you posts as there are only a few days between our boys.