My 24 month old obsessed with violin - should I start lessons?

My son just turned 2 last week and got a tiny (1/16) violin as birthday present. Ever since he started little reader a couple of months ago he has been obsessed with violin. Everything is violin eg his chopsticks, his socks and anything he will combine with a stick and play the “violin”.

I took him to orchestras and he was very excited with the string instruments.

Now he’s got his violin he asked for it all the time and wants to play.

My question is, should I start violin lessons with him now? He hasn’t been very good with following instructions and I don’t want to put him off learning if I start with this young Age…

Sorry, I meant starting little musician a couple of months ago.

The first question is, do you have an instructor nearby who will take him? Possibly Suzuki or Prezuki Mommy n’ me classes? If not, that solves your dilemma. If that was the case, I would get as many books and dvd’s about violin as possible and continue to nurture that dream until you can get him lessons.

If you DO have an instructor who will take him, then do a trial lesson before deciding. What do you have to lose?

Perhaps you could guide him with holding the violin properly, where to place his left hand holding the side of the violin soundbox. Show him how to hold the bow properly, and then maybe move onto teaching him to bow short bowings on the open E string first? Then go on to rhythms? That would probably last him until he is nearly 3yo. (I HOPE!).

This is the rubbish my little one used to do when he was just 2yo.

We managed to move from only bowing E-string to finally bowing A-string as well, and this was what he did - still 2yo here:

Hope that gives you some idea?

My this boy finally started formal lessons when he was 3+yrs old. He’s now 4yo and into Suzuki Violin Book 2.


Where did you get the large-print music? I’ve been meaning to make some for my girls but haven’t found the time!

My son, now 2 1/2 started Suzuki at 26 months. We spent 4 months on a foam-a-lin learning to hold the violin, a proper bow hold, the 1st three rhythm patterns. I will attach those files here for you - I put them in Little Musician. We just started with the real violin. Make sure it is sized right. You probably need a 1/32.

Once he can bow on the E and A string, stay on the road you can probably start lessons. If I had known what I needed to do with him, I would have waited. It is pretty expensive and very slow going for 2 year old. There are 9 suzuki teachers within an hour from me. Only 1 would take him most said he was too young.

Yes; our girls start at about 22 months and love it! You can start with proper playing position and rhythms on the open strings. Progress to first finger patterns and so on. Good luck!


I made that myself with MS Publisher. I can’t access the files now bc I no longer have the programme.

I do have PDF files for piano though - if you want - but these are the very few I have only:

Thanks! It made me “request access” so if you get a request from “Teach, Cook, Love” that would be me!


That was EXACTLY my son! EVERYTHING became a violin. On his 2nd birthday he was given a 1/32 (perfect size for his little body) however, no one would take him as a student because of his age. Finally, I tracked down someone who also believed tiny people could read and I thought I had a match! However, just because she believed in early learning did not mean that she was good with children. My son quickly lost the love of the instrument. She did not make it fun in any way, shape or form. Lessons were to be cried over. I tried to bring joy to our practices by turning things into games, but that only went so far. So, all that to say, when you think you’ve found someone that may take a tiny person, interview her/him - ask to sit in on a few classes - ask about the fun aspect…you want to know that they will conduct the class in a way that will appeal to a child, not simply the same way they teach an adult.

Sorry, forgot to add the Little Musician Files. If you click it will tell you to download. Download and click - it should automatically open in Little Musician.

Many thanks for all the suggestions. I have been trying to teach him how to hold the violin and bow first (I can’t play myself but there are instructions online and on YouTube). He’s so previous about his violin I am hardly allowed to touch it so I guess private tuition would be a complete waste of money。

Also I am very aware of how hard it’s to find teachers that work well with the youngest children. I guess it’s like doman says that mummy is the best teacher for babies.

Many thanks again!